Some interesting thoughts here. Not sure I see this happening realistically but the idea is kinda cool.
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Some interesting thoughts here. Not sure I see this happening realistically but the idea is kinda cool.
So... what's to stop a serial rapist from putting himself on this blockchain? There is no centralized authority gatekeeper. That seems like a problem.
It's just like craigslist, but faster...
Yes. Decentralization is great for something completely fungible like currency. For something like this, not so much.
I love reading ideas like this. I don't know if this sort of thing will ever happen. People are still getting their heads around what blockchain is and what sort of services it might enable. There is nothing wrong with pie-in-the-sky thinking.
Oh for crying out loud, is block chain the answer to everything? I think people are going a little overboard with this idea. blockchain this blockchain that.
maybe if I understood it I could agree or disagree with you. I think most people just don't get it.