After all the cuts, do you think you're running a profitable business? Do you start driving with a fixed dollar gross revenue amount and a driving plan every day or do you just get out and ant?
Why do you drive for Uber & Lyft? Do you think you're making a profit?
Posted 5 years, 6 months ago
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Sergio Avedian (Uberserge)
Ride Apprentice from Los Angeles, CA
Blogger, Podcaster, Active Rideshare Driver/Coach
Active Uber/Lyft driver in Los Angeles, contributing writer for Rideguru and RSG (The Rideshare Guy), podcaster, rideshare driver coach, independent consultant to rideshare and tech companies.
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I am making a profit. It may not be as big a profit as I made years ago, but it's still better than not driving at all.
I’m glad you’re running a profitable business. From your other replies, I’m certain you have your ducks in order. You’re in the top 2% of drivers who treat rideshare as a small business and understand the economics. Good luck and be safe.
I only drive part time in Boston and I am definitely making some profit. It is not life changing but I do feel the extra spending money every week which is nice. I would imagine it might be hard to do this full time (personally I would get too fidgety) but I like being able to do it when I have nothing else going on.
Part time is where the gig is at, how do you know you're making a profit? Your own car or rental? Figure out depreciation, extra wear and year, you got a lot more than put gas in and go.
I still make a profit. My car is an old 2005 Honda Pilot pd cash $4,500.00. Previous owner had perfect car fax records. Got 3 yrs before starting Uber. It didnt owe me anything when I started for Uber. I put brakes on 2X, 1 set of tires, oil changes are obviously more frequent. All my oil changes, brakes, and tires obviously pay for but all my labor is free. My biggest expense is gas. I put a new battery in but that was also before Uber. Had to change out ignition 120.00 but that wasnt because of Uber. I plan my day or night, know my spots, try new things once in awhile.
Serge seriously your calling the drivers in ride guru ants? We play nice. Most of us. We are not Behave no name calling:) I prefer roaches we have pink ones and black ones. They are somewhat backwards here. They all scatter as soon as it gets dark around here instead of coming out. They all run home:) Hope you know I am just giving you a hard time:)
You’re one of the few who’s doing rideshare with almost a fully depreciated car, I’m glad. I see so many new cars out on the streets that I keep shaking my head. They’re hopefully rentals. I see from your answers that you’re not an ant. 😆
Ant is a compliment, 😂, hard working, order following creatures. I’m actually proud of them since without their existence U/L would collapse.
My own car. I know I am putting good wear and tear on it but I still think it is worth it, at least for now. I have become a lot more conscious of taking good care of my car though, regular oil changes are key!