
Lyft’s Women+ Connect

Posted by: RideGuru Team Sep 12, 2023
Updated Sep 12, 2023


Image Credit: Lyft.com


Today Lyft announced their newest Lyft app feature, Women+ Connect. Women+ Connect is a new preference feature that prioritizes matches between women and nonbinary drivers and riders. This feature is one of the most highly requested by our riders at RideGuru so we are happy to be able to share this wonderful news! 


How Lyft’s Women+ Connect Works

Women+ Connect allows women and nonbinary drivers to choose to priority match with women and nonbinary riders. Through the Lyft driver’s app, this new feature offers the option to turn on a preference to prioritize matches with other nearby women and nonbinary riders. According to Lyft, “If no women or nonbinary riders are nearby, drivers with the preference on will still be matched with men as Women+ Connect is a preference feature, not a guarantee.”


Meanwhile, women and nonbinary riders will be prompted in their Lyft app to “Count me in”, which will also increase their chances of being matched with a Women+ Connect driver.


Women+ Connect allows women and nonbinary drivers to feel more confident getting behind the wheel and accessing the same flexible earning opportunities as their male peers. According to Lyft, “while women make up nearly half of Lyft riders, they account for just 23% of drivers on the Lyft platform”. Hopefully Women+ Connect can help encourage more women drivers. 


“Women+ Connect is all about providing more women and nonbinary people the opportunity to earn money on their terms and giving riders more choice,” said Lyft CEO David Risher. “We hope this gives millions of drivers and riders another reason to choose Lyft.”


Chicago, Phoenix, San Diego, San Francisco, and San Jose will be the first cities to see the Women+ Connect feature in their Lyft apps. 


For more information on Women+ Connect, visit Lyft.com

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    {{ ratingSum }}
     1 year ago

    This is an excellent article. This is, in my opinion, one of the best posts ever written slope. Your work is excellent and inspiring. Thank you very much.

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    207 Driver
     1 year ago  (edited 1 year ago)

     Discrimination is discrimination.  If a white male or female said they only wanted white folk... or a black person the same... people would be upset.  People who make cakes have been sued for discrimination... as this is discrimination, but for non bianaries to not want what some call "breeders."  Maybe they should make a Christain, Jewish or Islam version too.  (How about liberal/conservative... GDI/Democrat/Republican rides?)

    Before you flame me, the fact is that Rideshares do not do enough to ensure the drivers or the passengers are kind and safe.  My ride is a safe space and I do not appreciate being discriminated against.  I welcome all races, all religions, all gender identities.  I do not welcome rude obnoxious degrading people... or those who would damage my ride or are abusive, though I can tolerate a lot.

    If a rider/driver cannot be nice to people who make different choices then they should be banned.

    If a rider/driver are abus…


     Discrimination is discrimination.  If a white male or female said they only wanted white folk... or a black person the same... people would be upset.  People who make cakes have been sued for discrimination... as this is discrimination, but for non bianaries to not want what some call "breeders."  Maybe they should make a Christain, Jewish or Islam version too.  (How about liberal/conservative... GDI/Democrat/Republican rides?)

    Before you flame me, the fact is that Rideshares do not do enough to ensure the drivers or the passengers are kind and safe.  My ride is a safe space and I do not appreciate being discriminated against.  I welcome all races, all religions, all gender identities.  I do not welcome rude obnoxious degrading people... or those who would damage my ride or are abusive, though I can tolerate a lot.

    If a rider/driver cannot be nice to people who make different choices then they should be banned.

    If a rider/driver are abusive or rude, they should be banned.   (Aside from an unusually off day or like-response to rudeness)

    If a passenger does not have the right phone number linked to their account, they should be banned... until fixed.

    All passengers and riders shouldbe linked to a current and correct license or legal ID card or social security number  They should also be linked to a credit card... or account:  they should be held accountable for any damage done... or theft of equipment.... or be banned!

    All rider/passengers should be linked to something to ensure they are who they say they are so they can be held accountable for their actions.  You will find that alone would make people much nicer.  If they cannot be verified, then ban them.

    ALL DRIVERS and passengers should offer safe rides for everyone.  <PERIOD.  This is special interest group discrimination and it needs to stop.

    Frankly, I love having a diversified set of riders and would miss the fun if they were left out.

    You should also know that some women are just as bad as the worst men.  They can be mean and worse.  

    Women do not do as much driving probably because it can be dangerous...  I can tell you, first hand, doing rideshare gets dangerous at times.  People do bad things.  Not most drives, but it out of 10K rides... there have been bullets flying once, and a shotgun once.  Drunk people driving or falling in the streets... violent passengers... to people on the street and the driver.... drug dealers... people with guns...  There are bad situations that are increasingly occurring... and it is NOT all hetero men... it is everyone!   The fact is that ALL rides should be safe.

    Discrimination is discrimination.  Women make up half my rides.  Rideshare is no longer a great way to make money, so while I am still doing it, I cannot afford to be sitting around waiting for a passenger because I am being discriminated against for being a heterosexual male...  and a generally pleasant and very accepting and tolerant soul.  I take great pride in having have interestingly different friends and relatives and love them all regardless of their differences... 

    So yes, this really rubs me the wrong way.  I do believe everyone should have the same rights.  EVERYONE.  And we should respect everyone's choices and not give them a hard time about it.  This is not reverse discrimination... this is discrimination... period.

    The fact is that there are plenty of people who want to try rideshare.  Also, Uber and Lyft keep MORE than HALF of what the rider pays: once expenses are taken out of the drivers share... the rates approach minimum wage or even less... Hence, the driver pool average quality may be lower than optimal.   In fact, taking that into consideration... if your car does not stink, is very clean, and drives well... if your driver is considerate and drives safe...  If there are amenities... consider tipping a little.  It makes a difference.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
       1 year ago

      While I think this is a step in the right direction, I agree with you that there is a bigger issue and ALL rides should be safe. Men, Women, Non-binary, the fact that drivers have to risk their lives at times is not ok no matter your gender!

    {{ ratingSum }}
     1 year ago

    What's to stop a man saying he's non-binary or a woman, to have access specifically to women?  Why do you think that women will be more comfortable with non-binary people?  

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      {{ ratingSum }}
       1 year ago

      Good point, I was wondering this myself.

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