
Uber Introduces New Business Platform

Posted by: RideGuru Team Aug 16, 2017
Updated Jan 16, 2020

1 comment

uber for business

Uber’s next move: an all new, Uber for Business Platform. What is Uber for business? Companies could partner with Uber to allow their employees to take Ubers at the expense of the company. Of course, the Ubers must be company related trips, such as traveling to work meetings.

Today, Uber revamped their previous program. This is the first major update the company has introduced since they first came out with Uber for Business. After getting feedback from the users of the program, this new version will be more user-friendly, and easier for companies to monitor.

Prior to this re-vamp, all companies using Uber for Business followed the same standard program. Now, there is a custom program creation feature allowing individual companies to structure the program to fit their company needs through Uber. This takes the responsibility out of the company’s Human Resources department, which in the past was responsible for giving their employees guidelines on how to appropriately use Uber for Business. The companies had to basically trust that their employees were not abusing the program.

Now, companies can set rules and restrictions ahead of time on how their employees can expense their Uber rides to ensure better compliance for employees and streamline the process.

By creating programs that limit the type of car used, total amount expensed, time of day used, and geographic constraints, companies can now make sure they are getting the most out of the Uber for Business program. Once a rider is connected to their business account, they will automatically be entered into their specific “program”. Businesses are able to assign users to groups based on their role at the company.

There also may be cases when a ride falls out of the employee’s restrictions, in which case they will be able to enter their own payment method to use once they reached their company limit. This new system is said to benefit all users involved, reducing confusion for employees, and allowing better tracking for businesses.

The Uber for Business program provides new and improved features that make it easier for companies of all sizes to implement and use. This revamp shows Uber’s focus on accelerating their involvement in the business market for future growth.



Felicia is a Multimedia Guru at RideGuru. She recently graduated from Bentley University with a B.S. in Marketing and minor in Computer Information Systems. She is an avid rideshare user who enjoys both domestic and international travel.


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