Ride Apprentice
Posts by CharlieLazie
How many trips do I have to take to make Uber Pass worth it?
Thinking of doing this.Ride Pass gives you consistently, lower prices no matter the traffic, weather, or time of day. … -
Has anyone come up with Uber for Hookers and Prostitutes?
So which is it, drivers? Do you like vomiting passengers or what?
I have read some articles that drivers don't mind the puke on their backseat, because they are compensated by Uber … -
How is it possible that Uber loses money? Besides marketing and customer support, what other expenses do they have?
I know driver pay is a big expense. However, they are paid be the portion of the fare while Uber … -
Why does it take longer for Uber drivers to arrive when I request for a long trip?
It's a lot of money for one incident.
As I mentioned in my response to JPoland, the problem lies in how Uber considers the User Reviews as Driver Ratings. There is a misalignment here because users are using the rating system to provide their feedback on the entire experience, not just the driver's function. Some things are outside of driver's control, such as how Uber's app works, how Uber's customer service is, Uber Pool's experience and who else were in the car, etc.
This is very true. It is almost a systemic problem where Uber holds the drivers responsible for the user's experience. Sure, the driver have a huge impact on the experience of the customer, but there are things that are outside of their control. The carsharing of Uber Pool is definitely one of them.
He is probably referring to how you felt inclined to bring up your "real profession". You felt insecure and felt judged for being an Uber driver and appearing to have that as the only job.
If you were truly comfortable with yourself, you perhaps would not have said anything. ...or even felt you were being talked down on.
Remember there are plenty of peopl who drive Uber fulltime and it is their only job. Should they feel ashamed?
Well, the driver has to have been driving long enough to exceed $5 or $10 by time and distance. If it's like $1.25 a mile, they'd had to have driven 4+ miles maybe over 10 minutes. You probably cancel before that.
Didn’t I read that Uber got denied the rights to run the business as part of the pilot? They weren’t selected as the two scooter companies.
Or was that Santa Barbara.
Oh, man. So with Lyft you can adjust the rating depending on how much they tipped? I feel somewhat yicky about that. I think it's okay to factor that in, but I feel like if this is the case, we can essentially buy good ratings.
Am I wrong that drivers may dictate the rating too overly much on the tip amount?
The thing is it isn't that difficult for Uber to implement this feature on their app. Add it to the preference. Or just call it UberFemale and offer it as a new service.
It must be liability, insurance and laws against discrimination that're stopping them from doing it.
no, absolutley not. what are you thinking. You must not know anything about how your phone works. I am surprised you even know "airport mode."
What, like a protest?
Well, most sources say that you make $14~22 an hour, and that comes with flexibility and long shifts that have some downtimes. Of course, you can make a living off of it. Plenty of people make $20 / hour and have a perfectly fine life!
Ah, strippers and all the yelling. They are so adorable they think we care.
Straint? She should have left the car. She only stayed in the car to antagonize him.
I have worked in retail, and I know this type of people. They get a kick out of being harassing people who are in situations or position they cannot do anything about it. Think people who start complaining loudly at the storefloor, about the service they receive and how they want to speak to the managers. They keep yelling at employees who literally cannot say anything but to apologize and take it. (because they aren't allowed to)
what kind of a question is this? Of course I see webcams all the time.
With respect to services they provide? They are pretty much all the same. You use your smartphone app to choose a car, define a destination, and request a ride. Then a car comes to get you and take you somewhere.
In fact, they are all the same, because they are all the same drivers. Drivers drive for like all of them.
Definitely a cheating spouse.
Thist sounds like a REAL bad idea.
Wait, what. Uber did this? UberKids?
but if it's gone now, I guess it didn't work out. Probably too complex and too much on liability.
Have you tried Pogo? https://ride.guru/content/newsroom/rideshare-services-for-children
Those must be the same passengers, those that ride both. Makes sense.
I don't know the details, but that'd be messed up if they spring this on people who already signed up.