Flutter Shy (FlutterShy)
Ride Apprentice
310 RiderActivity
Posts by FlutterShy
When you are hammered and your Uber driver did it.
"Hey, it's your Uber driver. I am inside."
Asking a driver how long he's been driving. Check out the response.
Too funny. -
What is the proper etiquette with tipping an Uber and Lyft driver?
How much should I tip my Uber driver? I am sure drivers and customers have different opinions. if you can … -
Should I give low ratings to Uber drivers who solicit tips?
Uber Rent - Drive stranger's cars AirBnB style! Would you rent your car for $5 an hour?
Wow, it's happening. You just walk up to and drive someone else's car. Sort of like ZipCar but instead of … -
Can an Uber rider be deactivated if the rating becomes too low?
So the drivers can be deactivated when the rate falls below a threshold (around 4.6, I hear), but what about … -
When do surges typically happen? When are surge times?
Uber and Lyft both Shortchanging Customers - "Upfront", of course.
April 2017: Uber sued for shortchanging drivers with new upfront pricing system Jan 2018: Lyft Drivers Say They're Getting Shortchanged … -
Is Uber Doing Enough to Protect Women from Drivers Who Stalk Them? [Broadly, 7//1/2016]
Is Uber Doing Enough to Protect Women from Drivers Who Stalk Them? After an Uber driver used Bridget Bechtel's number … -
How can I avoid drivers from stalking me now they have my cell phone number?
I heard stories where Uber drivers even after the trip calling and texting them. How can I avoid this? I …
Featured Answers by FlutterShy
or just make it so it's one time fee and no distance or duration. The rest the driver gets t keep.
Call it a usage fee of the app. It doesn't require Uber to do anymore work. It's an introduction fee. an App usage fee.
Aren't you a driver? You are giving away your secrets.
I think you guys are missing the point. You use this when there is a creeper driver or whenever you feel unsafe.. You don't have to use it all the time.
Just walk away. Pick up another Uber. Isn't it so nice it isn't your car?
Hilarious. Can we not use the word, "bodily fluids?" It makes me feel icky.
You agreed to drive the man to his house. You cancelling the ride is unprofessional. He was holding up his side of the bargain by incurring significant fees every minute, and you just ditched him.
I have heard of GoShare, but for some reason I thought it was for food delivery. They delivery *stuff*, huh.
Well, we gotta get around somehow. Can't keep deleting apps.
How would this work? Won't some guy win who doesn't actually turn off the app? There will always be cheater.
Trump and now this. Do publicists of these powerful people not have a say in what goes out? What a dangerous doube-edged sword Twitter is.
AutoMotos. Way cooler than Autonomous Vehicles.
Are you joking? Every teenager I know uses Uber. and it's parents' endorsed. For one, it's crazy convenient and it's cheap. For two, teenagers use taxis and parents trusted taxis for years. They just shfited over to Uber.
Safety? Yeah, their rides are tracked by GPS and all the cc transactions are in place. Way safer than taxis which they already took. Plus, these aren't toddlers here.
If you are talking about the Strip, I have taken Uber and Lyft at all times of the day, and deep into the late nights, and I have never experienced a surge.
Maybe, just maybe when there's a concert or something, perhaps there are surges?
absolutely growth. How do you even pee in a car? sure it's easier for guys, I am sure, but I still can't imagine how it would work.
Yes, I should stop imagining it.
Is this for the grandparents to call for rides? or do grandparents answer the phone I call?
They must have talked this over out of court. not technicnally but this was too easy.
Can men ride then? but then the predators can prey on women drivers...
LOL. Me too. i've taken like a 100. not a single one for me. maybe I take it at odd times.
See Jane Go went under last month.
PHANTOM MESS? Put a fake barf on the seat, take a pic, and collect that cleaning fees? That's pretty evil. I mean...what a messy fight. It must be a mud slinging match every time. every passenger would dispute this. These are drivers are banking on it being his word against mine, but...dude. This is just a way to get yourself banned from Uber pretty fast.
I think Grab is the de facto rideshare there. One of my friends told me Grab is bigger than Uber.
Uber to those locals is like, "this app that no one uses from a foreign land." It's funny because us Americans think Uber is the boss, but the world is a big place.