I'm not buying it but if so what a horrifying experience, so much for car inspections I guess!
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Active Uber/Lyft driver in Los Angeles, contributing writer for Rideguru and RSG (The Rideshare Guy), podcaster, rideshare driver coach, independent consultant to rideshare and tech companies.
I'm not buying it but if so what a horrifying experience, so much for car inspections I guess!
What! This is nuts 😂 I definitely would have gotten out of car right then and there.
One time my parents were in a rental car when the brakes went out, right at the top of a big hill, and before my dad could even process what was happening my mom has jumped out of the car leaving my dad behind to crash in the car at the bottom of the hill LOL so much for true love.
Now if you have video of that, that has viral written all over it.
haha unfortunately this was before dash cams were a thing but it is a legendary story within my family.
Ya know that's one thing they don't check in car inspections now that I think about it... "Steering wheel properly secured"
I love how he is trying to figure out how to put it back on like bro you need to get your car to a garage or the dump
Holy crap. I'd be out of that car right then.
LOL there is no way this is real. Funny though.
I was looking at the cell phone on the dash, it doesn't look anything like the U/L app. But this guy got 400k likes on Twitter. Go figure.