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Are there code of conduct between rideshare drivers? Secret rules, commonsense manners, etc.? Do you guys even get along or is there competition?

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275 Rider
 Posted 6 years, 7 months ago


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    1602 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    Other than Facebook and Rideguru, there really isn't a method for drivers to communicate with each other.  Occasionally the local hub will offer a get together but those are rare.  Honestly I think that is "by design" as it would really not benefit Uber/Lyft for the drivers to have an organization, as that could result in a Union or organized work stoppage etc... 

    As a driver, we are all "on our own" with the only central point being the APP itself.  Otherwise we keep our own secrets, our favorite locations, our "honeypot" so to speak and those were developed as a result of our own investment of time and experience.  There is such an influx of drivers these days,  you can't afford to give away your findings as that would only serve to reduce your own income.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    398 Driver
     6 years ago

    There are some etiquettes with taxi driving for sure.  For example, grabbing that person who is hailing on the curb.  Actually, that's a bad example because there don't seem to be any rules around that!  

    There are unwritten rules about not cutting in line at taxi stands, airport queues, etc.  We also do make friends when we look out for each other's cabs, say when we take bathroom breaks, etc. 

    Taxi drivers do gang up, and some have radios to communicate with each other.  We can pass each other pax, when we our selves are busy, for example.  Remember that the dispatch and cabbies are not closely tied like with a Uber or something.  We can take our own phone calls from regular customers, we can pick up off the streets, and we can be subscribed to mutiple dispatching companies.   If we get too busy with too many incoming rides, we can send each other passengers.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    224 Driver
     6 years ago

    Sad to say, but I do not share my secrets with others. I have a thing I do that every rider comments positively on, has never experienced before, and which I would never share with another driver. I'm convinced it is what makes me a 4.95+ driver for both Uber and Lyft.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    237 Driver
     6 years ago

    I think you are thinking waaay too hard.  Rideshare drivers barely see each other and we work independently from each other.

    The only time I run into each other are in busy places like bar closing times and airport staging areas. Even then, we don't speak too much.  At least I don't.

    Secret rules?  Maybe not talk about it?  I suppose we do share notes when we talk.  Complain about Uber and how little money we are making? It's what you'd expect.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    145 Driver
     6 years ago

    Yes, we get along fine, thank you. LOL.

    To be honest, I don't even know a single other driver.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    447 Rider Driver Driver
     6 years ago

    After 32 years in this business I consider a fellow driver as another donkey that is in my way. When we are out of the car then we can break bread together. A question for Abe Lincoln 4.95 ,  I HOPE your not the type to blow your brains out if your ratings drop. 

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    1072 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    The only thing I ask of my fellow rideshare drivers is that if you're at the airport and some insane Uber driver screams "FUCKING  ASSHOLE" at you, don't take her commernt too seriously.  She calls all idiot drivers the same thing.    

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago

    secret code?  Like a secret handshake?  That'd be awesome.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    810 Driver
     6 years ago

    My rule is to open the passenger Uber and Lyft app when I am waiting for a fare (Besides the drier apps of course) and get the heck out of any area where there are already large concentrations of other Uber and Lyft drivers. The more drivers the longer the time I will have to wait for my fare:)

    {{ ratingSum }}
    259 Driver
     6 years ago

    Unlike taxis, we are dispatched and assigned to particular individuals, so we don't need to fight over the passengers.  (well, I guess we sort of are, but virtually)

    I suppose we may not tell each other our secret places.  We have to keep our exact routine and routes to ourselves.  You don't want other drivers flooding your own market.  So the mum is the word in some cases.

    So, yeah, I guess there are quiet rules and a unspoken distant that we put between us.  Then again, I really don't "run in" to other rideshares much.  It's a pretty lonely gig for the most part.  At least for me.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      237 Driver
       6 years ago

      No, I don't either.  It's not like there are hangout places only for drivers.  Like RMV? lol.