Uber relatively new here.
Are there unspoken rules about riding on an Uber or Lyft (or any other rideshares for that matter)?
Posted 5 years, 6 months ago
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That tip is pretty much expected on UberX. No, not everyone does, but drivers get super angry if you don't.
As a driver I dont expect tips and I know quite a few other drivers that dont expect them either. We are very grateful & happy when we get one and some days it really helps on what you make for the day:) Even if its just a few $. It's when you go above and beyond for demanding riders that you expect a tip.
Unspoken rules? Do you mean things that really should be in the terms of Uber/Lyft but aren't? (except for some vague thing about being respectful.)
What about not SLAMMING THE DOORS?!!! It hurts my ears, this is my car, and it's completely disrespectful.
Not sure if these are unspoken but don't eat or wear any super strong scents. Be at your pickup time ON TIME. Don't ask the driver to change a million things, temperature, music, etc. It is ok if you are hot or have one request but don't bombard them!