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259 DriverActivity
Posts by CWalcutt75
scUber - stupid marketing is accelerating now that they’re public
Uber, Lyft drivers would need lit signs under Jersey City rule
Will this really help in eliminating fake drivers? I would think criminals would simply premeditate their attacks and can just … -
What's the grossest thing you have found in a Lyft or Uber?
Do passengers know that Uber often takes half the fare?
Sadly, the drivers are starting to accept this fact as a daily occurrence, but I feel the need to share … -
Why do Uber and Lyft drivers become so angry when riders don't tip?
I am actually a driver myself. I agreed to all the rates and how much I get paid when I …
A portion of our hard earned money goes to this crap advertising. Infuriating. why seriously.
The capitalism and free market will once again prevail.
This is the reason they now have a feature for quiet rides, right?
Ignorance and stupid customers have always existed.
Though this does rank high on the list for "why i wouldn't drive an uber"
This is exactly why we cannot have nice things.
this is obviously a publicity stunt. The only reason Data Khosrowshahi would even drive (or bike?) for Uber Eats is for marketing and the fact he posted the results is also a marketing scheme. It's a part of their current initiative to bring drivers back on the market.
Now, I am not saying he didn't make this much. Who knows, maybe this is real in San Francisco. I'd just take it with a grain of salt, and how is probably the best case scenario.
I wonder why Lyft even applies a duration. Is there some law against this? Charging a customer x days later? Maybe a restriction enforced by the credit card company? why why why?
I would imagine it's for liability and such. Uber requires proof of insurance of the driver and not just of the vehicle. I think this can be abused if anyone can be added to the policy.
I am obviously not an expert at this, not to mention the law probably differs from state to state.
Yeah, you may get more responses if you posted this as question. With that said, I do not think you will be able to perform the delivery for him. (This is your dad's Uber account?) Even if he is with you, you technically shouldn't be driving!
This is due to the insurance that's in play. While you are delivering food, you would be under Uber's insurance. If you get into an accident, the insurance company will know who was driving and will likely deny the claim. What's worse is that your car insurance will likely deny it too, because technically you were working for Uber and Uber should be providing the coverage. I'd hate for you to be in such a scenario.
I was going to make a joke about how he was still 48th in line but then realized that isnt too far from the truth.
So if you don't care when to eat, you use this options. I guess it makes sense.
Just more ways to confuse consumers.
Supply and Demand. Capitalism, baby!!!
Well, except that it’s horrendous for the children. Those poor souls. And not to mention dangerous.
They always had this in San Francisco, right? It was called like Uber Freight or Uber Courier or something?
The application to UberEats is separate but you can just go ahead and apply for UberX now. I actually thought you had to sign up for UberX before you can apply for UberEats, but I’m sure this is possible.
Is this related to how a driver (in some markets?) cannot turn off UberEats? Your situation seems the opposite though.
I cannot turn off UberEats since its introduction, and it’s apparently because UberEats was so unpopular they has to force drivers to accept it. It was almost like a burden you had to accept for the privilege to driver as UberX
Of course, drivers just continue to click on No Thanks and decline UberEats requests. They aren’t a bigger money maker in the areas I work. Yes even during the pandemic.
I assume you are asking this because no eats drivers seem to be wearing them. I observed the same, and I think it's because they don't think it applies to food drivers. They think it's for driving passengers.
It's either that or they know they wouldn't be caught because there's no one to report them. Food cannot talk. No riders to report them.
They take $14 per hour out of $50? Damn. Then Uncle Sam takes another $10-12? Oof. “The rider will pay $50 per hour and the driver will receive $36 per hour after Uber takes their 28% service fee.”
me too. it's ultimate fuel efficiency. Id be able to save huge on my monthly fuel cost.
I drive to work, but I can see people in the city on their subway and bus costs. People can own their own. Clear ROI is an easier sell in my opinion. For example, if I knew I can save $50 a month, I'd know after 12 months, I get my money back.
The rental, subscription model is too obscure IMO. It may work on music and movies but not sure on the transportation.