Can riders request specific drivers?
The Guru Take
Not with Uber and Lyft, but there are companies that offer this, such as Wingz
The drivers for mainstream rideshare services like Uber and Lyft are requested and matched up with drivers on an "on-demand" basis. This means that you, as a rider, will be assigned to the drivers currently available in your area. You do not have a choice and cannot specify the driver.
This is different with other types of rides, such as those that take reservations. There are companies that will honor your request for a driver, such as limo companies and Wingz.
These companies will either allow you to keep a list of favorites in the app or simply request the driver and coordinate the reservation with him or her.
Avid travelers would sometimes make a direct relationship with past drivers. This is more true with limo companies or local taxi companies, but this is where you would call the driver directly.

On Lyft, if you give a driver a bad rating they won't match you up with that driver again. I know this is the opposite of what you asked but still good to know. At least you won't get the same bad driver twice in a row!
If you give a driver a bad rating, your quest for a different driver can also cause someone to lose their job and possibly their ability to support their family. Is choosing a specific driver really worth that? I've had people make false accusations against me, the last time which cost me almost a weeks earnings. ($1k) The accusation: I was driving drunk. (I quit drinking 38 years ago, and have ZERO tickets or accidents in over 40 years of driving)
FWIW, to "un match" drivers you generally need to rate them ONE STAR, so your rating is VERY substantial and will probably follow your driver long term. (up to a year)
This is a fantastic idea. Keeping a list of favorites? I'd like that very much.