I thought they had this really figured out!?!
BTW this video is really hilarious in a really dark way. Just look at how bad these cars are in what look like ideal conditions...
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I thought they had this really figured out!?!
BTW this video is really hilarious in a really dark way. Just look at how bad these cars are in what look like ideal conditions...
I love how the test team never gets tired of seeing the dummy hit - they are always like "OHHH" "OWWW" LOL
haha at least these are text videos, have you seen all of those Tesla videos of people summoning their cars in parking lots and it going terribly wrong?
ummm, that is insane. There is one clip where the dummy is just standing there and the car still doesn't stop, WTH haha
OMG that video... LOL. I love that black car that nails the pedestrian... and THEN STOPS. Good effort there buddy!
Ok but these aren't the same systems AVs are using are they? These are just on today's non-self-driving cars. I assume the AV systems are better since they are using LiDAR and stuff? Or do these use that as well?
Well.. that's not good.
Wow. This is really bad. These systems are giving drivers a false sense of security. 89% of the child-sized dummies were hit. So what's the point of even having these systems then?