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Didn't Uber say they were deactivating riders with low ratings?

{{ ratingSum }}
8198 Rider Driver
 Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

I know Uber said they were giving riders time and suggestions to improve their ratings. That had to be at least 6 months ago. I got tired of taking screenshots of all the low rated ride request I've been receiving (4.52, 4.50, & 4.47). It feels like I screenshot every thing that hits my phone starting from the request. You need that proof when something comes up. Here is the latest low rating. I know acceptance rate not a big deal unless you care about Uber Pro or you have a consecutive trip bonus going at the time but declining a rider with this rating should not count when calculating acceptance rate. It is suggested (not by Uber)to riders to accept rides from highly rated drivers, what about drivers?  We are picking up strangers from all different types of neighborhoods. Riders dont have a background check, can give fake names, and use an Uber gift card. They can get deactivated only to make a new account using different info. Ratings are the only safety measure a driver has to decide if they want to accept a ride. At 2am or anytime for that matter I am not taking a chance with a rider with a 4.33. What sucks is drivers dont always rate riders fairly or the rider could be new to the platform & dont have many rides. Give these low rated riders to low rated drivers:)  


    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    😂 Ya, I always said that this was just a big fake PR stunt.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    127 Driver
     5 years ago

    You have gotten a 4.33?? Obviously Uber only cares about the riders.