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Drivers, what stupid, careless, things do you see other drivers (not just ride share drivers)do while out driving on the road? What pet peeves do you have that makes you so angry that you just want to drag a driver out of their car & smack them upside their head?

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8198 Rider Driver
 Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

I gave up my road rage as I got older for about 3 yrs prior to driving for Uber. I tried to be more patient & understanding.and was doing fairly well with it. When I first started driving for Uber I was in the road approx 8 to 12 hrs per week in Philly & suburbs (Bucks County).  I am now doing 12 to 25 hrs per week but more so in NJ & sometimes regretfully in NY. My patience is gone. My road rage is back with a vengeance.  Although I dont say anything with riders in the car I find myself SMH & on a few trips making a comment but in a nice way (not yelling, cussing, etc). Obviously I try not to say a word but some drivers out there need to be smacked upside their head. I do find that most (not all) taxi, limo, and ride share drivers in NJ but mostly NY are rude, ignorant, careless a$$hole$. They are dangerous they dont care how they drive, who they cut off , or hiw reckless they are. You couldn't pay me to take a taxi, limo, Uber, Lyft, or shuttle bus that has a NY tag on it. Now I know why Ins. Co. in PA ask if you drive in NJ or NY. If you answer yes your premium would be unaffordable. WTH is their problem? Whats with beeping the horn in bumper to bumper traffic when no one is or can move? Even pedestrians and people on bikes are careless when they are in the City.  I have decided (think I've mentioned this in other post) if I am ever given a diagnosis that gives me less than a year to live I will buy an old army truck. Reinforce the bumpers, drive to EWR, NYC, NJ TP, and Jersey City and just plow into these idiot drivers. Even though they piss me off I dont let them know it because they dont care. One thing these drivers have taug…


I gave up my road rage as I got older for about 3 yrs prior to driving for Uber. I tried to be more patient & understanding.and was doing fairly well with it. When I first started driving for Uber I was in the road approx 8 to 12 hrs per week in Philly & suburbs (Bucks County).  I am now doing 12 to 25 hrs per week but more so in NJ & sometimes regretfully in NY. My patience is gone. My road rage is back with a vengeance.  Although I dont say anything with riders in the car I find myself SMH & on a few trips making a comment but in a nice way (not yelling, cussing, etc). Obviously I try not to say a word but some drivers out there need to be smacked upside their head. I do find that most (not all) taxi, limo, and ride share drivers in NJ but mostly NY are rude, ignorant, careless a$$hole$. They are dangerous they dont care how they drive, who they cut off , or hiw reckless they are. You couldn't pay me to take a taxi, limo, Uber, Lyft, or shuttle bus that has a NY tag on it. Now I know why Ins. Co. in PA ask if you drive in NJ or NY. If you answer yes your premium would be unaffordable. WTH is their problem? Whats with beeping the horn in bumper to bumper traffic when no one is or can move? Even pedestrians and people on bikes are careless when they are in the City.  I have decided (think I've mentioned this in other post) if I am ever given a diagnosis that gives me less than a year to live I will buy an old army truck. Reinforce the bumpers, drive to EWR, NYC, NJ TP, and Jersey City and just plow into these idiot drivers. Even though they piss me off I dont let them know it because they dont care. One thing these drivers have taught me wjen I may drop rider off at one of the Airports is how to be just as rude and ignorqant as they are.

Please share your list of pet peeves. Also share what city or state you have driven in that you think has the most self entitled, careless, dangerous, rude drivers. 

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    {{ ratingSum }}
    422 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    Boston here. Drivers can be really aggressive here. But here it feels like kind of a game. The road layout is so messed up that getting from A to B in on piece is like a challenge. If you think of it that way it is not so bad.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 8198 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      It reminds me of an old arcade game called Frogger. You have to get your frog across the road of moving cars without getting run over. Lol

        {{ ratingSum }}
        422 Rider Driver
         5 years ago

        That's about right!

    {{ ratingSum }}
    2 Driver
     5 years ago

    Ogden, Utah, at 1 AM, 200 east and 2500 south.  I put this in a comment on Yahoo Answers.  One question was like, "There are protesters blocking my street so I can't leave.  Should I make America great again and run them over?"  And I commented on an answer like, "Pedestrians always have right of way."  After that, specifically, I remember telling a group in my car about that at 12:52 AM.  Some drunk pedestrians walking backwards while their light was red, but it caused me to barely make the light as it turned yellow.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    207 Driver
     5 years ago

    OK... Just remember... you asked:

       At the airport...  The every man for himself mentality.  Some drivers just cannot or will not play well with others.  Lets say you are in the second lane from the curb, stopped, have your right turn signal on to get to the curb as soon as the car in the way gets out (you have left him room to merge in front of you.)  Then the POS guy behind you passes on the right and then blocks you from getting over!!!  

    Some drivers here drive like they are actually in an apocalyptic video game...   Often with damaged cars.  They never make eye contact when cutting people off or merging in or taking liberties.  Some get weeded out, some do not.  

    In the Uber lot, 

        Cars driving down rows often do not stop at the end and yield the right of way to cars riding the perimeter or stop for pedestrians lapping the lot.
    SMOKING upwind in the lots... (all kinds of nasty stuff.) or just being upwind wi…


    OK... Just remember... you asked:

       At the airport...  The every man for himself mentality.  Some drivers just cannot or will not play well with others.  Lets say you are in the second lane from the curb, stopped, have your right turn signal on to get to the curb as soon as the car in the way gets out (you have left him room to merge in front of you.)  Then the POS guy behind you passes on the right and then blocks you from getting over!!!  

    Some drivers here drive like they are actually in an apocalyptic video game...   Often with damaged cars.  They never make eye contact when cutting people off or merging in or taking liberties.  Some get weeded out, some do not.  

    In the Uber lot, 

        Cars driving down rows often do not stop at the end and yield the right of way to cars riding the perimeter or stop for pedestrians lapping the lot.
    SMOKING upwind in the lots... (all kinds of nasty stuff.) or just being upwind with the mega strong "Air" Gag "fresheners." The smell gets in my car if I leave the windows open... or in the vents if pulling air in from outside. NASTY.
       The ways they find to make a porta john worse.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 8198 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      I had a drop off at Philly Airport queue wasnt too bad so I thought I would check it out. Never again. Agree with everything you said. Drivers were so damn rude. We are all trying to get to our rider. Never again. Now I drop and get outta there asap. I really cant believe how rude some drivers can be. See it at EWR all the time when I drop off. Another spot drop and get out. No wonder some drivers get low ratings and no tips. If they cant treat other drivers nicely makes you wonder how they treat their riders. I checked out a FB group for drivers some drivers are nasty, rude, ignorant people. Idiots like this give decent drivers a bad name. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
    236 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    def try not to road rage. nothing good comes of that. I try to just remember we're all in it together. even when someone is a jerk, it's probably because they are miserable so I give them a little space and forget about it. Really helps get through the day.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 8198 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      I dont let them see my road rage as nothing good would come of it. I agree.   It just really annoys me especially when these idiots are on their phone texting.  Left lane doing 35mph in a 65mph & braking every 200' for no reason other then they are too busy texting. I get we all make mistakes at times but sometimes people are just rude or distracted.  Had riders yesterday was forced off the road by a tractor trailer. Beeping did absolutely nothing he just coming into my lane. Thankfully I had a wide shoulder & was able to pull onto it. My riders seen the whole thing so they knew it wasnt my fault otherwise they may have sent a bad report to Uber. Had another incident few weeks back where a deer jumped in front of me with rider in the car. She was on her phone not paying attention.  I had to brake quickly. She said, "damn what was that for"? I told her and the deer was still visible. Had she not said anything so I could explain that could'v…


      I dont let them see my road rage as nothing good would come of it. I agree.   It just really annoys me especially when these idiots are on their phone texting.  Left lane doing 35mph in a 65mph & braking every 200' for no reason other then they are too busy texting. I get we all make mistakes at times but sometimes people are just rude or distracted.  Had riders yesterday was forced off the road by a tractor trailer. Beeping did absolutely nothing he just coming into my lane. Thankfully I had a wide shoulder & was able to pull onto it. My riders seen the whole thing so they knew it wasnt my fault otherwise they may have sent a bad report to Uber. Had another incident few weeks back where a deer jumped in front of me with rider in the car. She was on her phone not paying attention.  I had to brake quickly. She said, "damn what was that for"? I told her and the deer was still visible. Had she not said anything so I could explain that could've meant bad report to Uber. Not all riders see what these idiots are doing and can cause them to report the driver. It just gets frustrating. Most times its the idiots on their phone while driving. You do just have to ignore and get on with your day but at the time very frustrating.

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