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DRIVERS STOP DRIVING CHILDREN WITHOUT CAR SEATS. Car Seat Issue Yet Again! What is wrong with patents? Drivers? Uber & Lyft???

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8198 Rider Driver
 Posted 6 years, 2 months ago

Last Friday night I get a request on Lyft XL 8 min away at 1030pm at Dave & Busters. I assume its a family, bachelor party, etc... I pull up its 2 young 20 something females with 4 toddlers all under age of 4. They were tiny little children maybe 25lbs soaking wet. I start with sorry cant take you. Mom asks why? You have 4 toddlers with no car seats. Moms first response is "i guess i have to pay cancellation fee". I replied, I'll wave the fee but I did just drive here on my time and gas, you should know its against the law to transport children with no car seat. Mom, how am I supposed to know that? Me, are you serious you have 4 children you should know. Try getting some parenting classes and some common sense. Mom, the last driver took us. Me, last driver was an idiot. Mom, have a f@#k#@g good night. Me, my night will be good as I wont have 4 dead children on my conscience. Mom went off cussing and yelling.  Finally I said, I am not waving cancel fee and its pretty sad you dont care enough to keep your children safe @ssh@#e. I drove off and contacted Lyft. Of course got some BS response. They did say they reached out to mom. Mom should've been deactivated along with driver. Sent another email asking why there are no repercussions and this continues to be an issue. No response. They paid me 5.00 at Lyft's loss not moms.  Never received answer if they reached out to driver. That was my 1st and last ride Friday night. I am beyond annoyed, frustrated, angry, and disgusted by these parents who just dint give a damn and by drivers who just dont give a damn (fare is more important). Yes it sucks to pull up and waste time and money but is it …


Last Friday night I get a request on Lyft XL 8 min away at 1030pm at Dave & Busters. I assume its a family, bachelor party, etc... I pull up its 2 young 20 something females with 4 toddlers all under age of 4. They were tiny little children maybe 25lbs soaking wet. I start with sorry cant take you. Mom asks why? You have 4 toddlers with no car seats. Moms first response is "i guess i have to pay cancellation fee". I replied, I'll wave the fee but I did just drive here on my time and gas, you should know its against the law to transport children with no car seat. Mom, how am I supposed to know that? Me, are you serious you have 4 children you should know. Try getting some parenting classes and some common sense. Mom, the last driver took us. Me, last driver was an idiot. Mom, have a f@#k#@g good night. Me, my night will be good as I wont have 4 dead children on my conscience. Mom went off cussing and yelling.  Finally I said, I am not waving cancel fee and its pretty sad you dont care enough to keep your children safe @ssh@#e. I drove off and contacted Lyft. Of course got some BS response. They did say they reached out to mom. Mom should've been deactivated along with driver. Sent another email asking why there are no repercussions and this continues to be an issue. No response. They paid me 5.00 at Lyft's loss not moms.  Never received answer if they reached out to driver. That was my 1st and last ride Friday night. I am beyond annoyed, frustrated, angry, and disgusted by these parents who just dint give a damn and by drivers who just dont give a damn (fare is more important). Yes it sucks to pull up and waste time and money but is it really worth it???? No, it shouldnt be our responsibility to care for other peoples children. However it is our responsibility to uphold the laws regarding child safety seats. 

Uber and Lyft need to make this a priority. Any driver caught driving children with no seats should be deactivated. Every rider requesting ride with children and no seat should be deactivated also. No excuse. Rider should be charged with 25.00 fee if driver shows up & their is a child no seat. Maybe that would prevent these irresponsible parents from putting their kids in danger. It should prevent drivers from taking these kids with no seat also. 

When you put your kid in a car with a stranger you do not know if they are high, drunk, tired, or just plain careless. Even if driver is very safe what about the other idiots on the road? Dont think it will not happen to your child. I am sure every parent with a permanently injured or dead child  thought the way you did. Your job is to protect your children at least until the age of 18. Do your job KEEP YOUR CHILD SAFE. 

Can someone please explain wth is wrong with these parents? Does driver realize when they get in accident U/L going to say "its in rules not to drive kids with no car seat, therefore we are not responsible". Do drivers realize there is something called vehicular mansalaughter (3 to 15 yrs in prison)? Endangering the welfare of a child? Lawsuits? Just knowing I killed a child (my fault or another drivers fault, they were in my car with no seat) how could you live with that for the rest of your life? As many as 90% of Child deaths and injuries can be prevented by putting child in proper safety seat. It is the #1 killer of children. 


That $10/$20 ride is so not worth the risk. Fines, jail time, lawyer fees, etc... Is it really worth it? Not to mention living with the memories of killing a child. They child is going to fly through your car window or windshield. Or be killed by an airbag. WTH are you thinking? 




Children ages 6 to 9 yrs old need to be in booster seat unless they are over 4'9" and over 50 lbs. Children 5 and under need to be in approved, non recalled child safety seat.





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    {{ ratingSum }}
    1072 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    I'd have snapped a group shot to back myself up too.  Take no chances, and never underestimate the crap people will do to get back at you.  

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      OP 8198 Rider Driver
       6 years ago

      Good thinking RedAnt. I was so damn angry I just pulled away.

      {{ ratingSum }}
      58 Driver Driver
       6 years ago

      wow, never thought of this. Is there something illegal though about taking pictures of minors like that?

    {{ ratingSum }}
    81 Driver
     6 years ago

    I agree that parents who want an Uber/Lyft driver to drive them and a child with no car seat should have a $20-$25 cancellation.  They do not care much about their own children or they would not ask.  They need to be hit in the wallet to get their attention.  AND if a driver was to get the $20-$25 cancellation fee for refusing to take them they would be more likely to enforce Uber/Lyft rules and State Motor Vehicle Law!  As it is some drivers are greedy and want the ride to get the fee and to get the higher acceptance rate and multi-ride bonuses.  They do not want to just get the $5 fee they want credit for the ride and the fare.  

    I will not take these riders and have always reported them to Uber/Lyft.  Nothing much happens except I get the $5 cancellation fee.  Parents try to say that they don't have a car seat - how is that possible when you can not leave a hospital with a new born and no car seat.  Parents say "Never had the pro…


    I agree that parents who want an Uber/Lyft driver to drive them and a child with no car seat should have a $20-$25 cancellation.  They do not care much about their own children or they would not ask.  They need to be hit in the wallet to get their attention.  AND if a driver was to get the $20-$25 cancellation fee for refusing to take them they would be more likely to enforce Uber/Lyft rules and State Motor Vehicle Law!  As it is some drivers are greedy and want the ride to get the fee and to get the higher acceptance rate and multi-ride bonuses.  They do not want to just get the $5 fee they want credit for the ride and the fare.  

    I will not take these riders and have always reported them to Uber/Lyft.  Nothing much happens except I get the $5 cancellation fee.  Parents try to say that they don't have a car seat - how is that possible when you can not leave a hospital with a new born and no car seat.  Parents say "Never had the problem with drivers before" or "Just going a couple minutes down the road". My response is still no, I will not break the law for you, put my license at risk and my good night's sleep at risk by taking you and your child without a car seat.  It is a shame that a perfect stranger cares more about your child's welfare than you the parent does.

    Jill Moncilovich

    Uber/Lyft driver.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      810 Driver
       6 years ago

      The funny thing is that idiot parents can spend $40 on a ride but not $39 for a basic car seat in Walmart 

      I get it, it maybe bulky, inconvenient but this is your kid;)

      I am not surprised anymore by anything

      How many time have a seen parent bundled up in warm coat, hat gloves and are holding a toddler in their hands who has no hat and no gloves, lucky if wearing any type of coat

        {{ ratingSum }}
        OP 8198 Rider Driver
         6 years ago

        So true LG-PA. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
    524 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    It's so infuriating. This happens all the time, but I still cannot understand why parents just don't get it. Don't you want your kids to be safe??? And why is it my fault you don't know the law? And how the heck don't you know the law to begin with?? I mean, this isn't some obscure rule on the books, I think it's pretty well known.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 8198 Rider Driver
       6 years ago  (edited 6 years ago)

      Yes it is. I was so damn annoyed and angry I stopped driving for the night. I just cant believe these parents dont value their childrens lives at all. The drivers that refuse to take these people with kids care more than their own parents. So sad. Drivers out there that take these kids i hope that $10/$20 is worth possible prison time, fines, law suits, etc... you know damn right that irresponsible parent will sue the driver. The stupidity amazes me. The law has been out for awhile, all 50 states.  But lets say its not a law its your kids lives. SMH. Uber and Lyft dont care but ypu know as well as I do what they will do in event of an accident. Their response, "Its in the guidlines to follow laws regarding safety seats". They will wash their hands of the whole thing and  throw driver under the bus.


        {{ ratingSum }}
        19 Driver
         6 years ago

        I am going on 1,000 trips with Uber, and I've denied rides to about 5 different riders because of this. I'm not so kind to even offer to waive a fee. If you don't have the sense to know you need a legal car seat for your baby/toddler, that's on you. Not wasting my time and trip opportunities for your incompetence.

          {{ ratingSum }}
          OP 8198 Rider Driver
           6 years ago

          I had no intention on waving fee just didnt want to hear her BS. Lyft paid me but didnt charge her. They are idiots she will continue to request with her kids and no seats. Some idiot driver will drive them. Lyft and Uber dont care.

            {{ ratingSum }}
            19 Driver
             6 years ago

            Not sure why you want to take this out on the ride share companies. If a driver takes sub-4 children without legal seats, that's their liability. 2 parties involved know the law and choose to break it when that happens.

              {{ ratingSum }}
              OP 8198 Rider Driver
               6 years ago  (edited 6 years ago)

              Not taking it out on ride share companies. Just saying they could be a little more strict with policy. Its barely mentioned in community guidelines. If they dont penalize rider requesting they are going to continue to do it and waste drivers time and money. Asking drivers not to drive these people and asking people with kids not to order or bring seats. 

              {{ ratingSum }}
              810 Driver
               6 years ago

              If a driver refuses to take a service animal = they are  violating terms of service, but young kids w/o car-seats no issues as far as Lyft and Uber are concerned.

              How many drivers get this e-mail and in-app alert every 30 days or so?

              Why not for Lyft and Uber to also send out one on not picking up minors without car seats/boosters to make the community safer?

              The message on above pic is cut off but it goes on to say:

              We know this is an adjustment for some of you, but it's important to us to have an official policy that eliminates any gray area. At Lyft we believe access to transportation is a fundamental right - but as you'll learn from Christella, people with service animals are too often denied rides when they need to get somewhere. Lyft drivers like you are in a unique position to change that, and help us deliver on our mission to provide safe, reliable transportation to everyone. 

              This message could be modified (regarding not picking up passengers with car seat age ki…


              If a driver refuses to take a service animal = they are  violating terms of service, but young kids w/o car-seats no issues as far as Lyft and Uber are concerned.

              How many drivers get this e-mail and in-app alert every 30 days or so?

              Why not for Lyft and Uber to also send out one on not picking up minors without car seats/boosters to make the community safer?

              The message on above pic is cut off but it goes on to say:

              We know this is an adjustment for some of you, but it's important to us to have an official policy that eliminates any gray area. At Lyft we believe access to transportation is a fundamental right - but as you'll learn from Christella, people with service animals are too often denied rides when they need to get somewhere. Lyft drivers like you are in a unique position to change that, and help us deliver on our mission to provide safe, reliable transportation to everyone. 

              This message could be modified (regarding not picking up passengers with car seat age kids) to read:

              Please refuse rides to any passengers with a minor(s) who is required to be in a car seat or booster, but one is not provided by the accompanying adult

              We know this is an adjustment for some of you, but it's important to us to have an official policy that eliminates any gray area. 

              At Lyft we believe access to transportation is a fundamental right - but as you'll learn from XXX, passengers with children who require a car/booster seat, but do not provide one are too often given rides by the drivers in our community with minors riding unsafely.

              Lyft drivers like you are in a unique position to change that, and help us deliver on our mission to provide safe, reliable transportation to everyone. 

              We all know nothing like this will ever come out of these companies :)

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              {{ ratingSum }}
              54 Rider Driver
               6 years ago

              Seems more like she is blaming companies for not enforcing it or doing more about it to prevent it. Perfect example of this is when she reached out to Lyft they gave her a cancel fee but didnt make mom pay it. Lyft paid it. How is that helping the situation. Like she stated Lyft dont suffer consequences either way. Driver has to waste their time driving to pick up and declining ride or driver picks up Lyft collects their fee from ride. If driver decides to take the ride (which isnt the best decision) and gets in accident its their ass in trouble. Lyft wont back driver and insurance wont cover. Where does Lyft lose? Thats why they bury a short statement in their rules. Their out in case of accident. Do you really think either company cares about the driver or their passengers? Of course not their bottom line is the $. 

          {{ ratingSum }}
          81 Driver
           6 years ago

          I have had at least 50 rides a year with either Uber or Lyft that I have to turn down because they have no car seat.  You are lucky to have only 5 rides in 1,000 trips.  I have over 5,000 with Lyft and 600 with Uber.

          {{ ratingSum }}
          83 Rider
           6 years ago

          The real question is, have you ever had anyone bring their own car seat to install? Do you help? How does this work?

            {{ ratingSum }}
            OP 8198 Rider Driver
             6 years ago

            I had one rider with an infant. She did install it. I offered to help but she said she had it. Better off having parent install it as my kids are older, seats have changed wouldnt want to do it incorrectly. Happily helped her to car with it and out of car. The other people I declined had no seat at least 3 were at their home. Not much of an excuse not to have one. However one night i pulled up.when I declined rider he flipped out screaming, yelling, cussing. As I was about to pull away he yelled wait ill get it. At that point wasnt taking him as he was all ready angry and cussed me out. It couldve escalated once in car or reported me for some BS because now he had to drag around car seat. Best just to let someone else take him.


            {{ ratingSum }}
            810 Driver
             6 years ago

            I had passengers bring their booster seats

            And was very happy to see a responsible rider for a change

            One was a lady picking kid up from daybcarr

            Couple other ones from airports

            {{ ratingSum }}
            19 Driver
             6 years ago

            Yes, I have had riders bring seats for their kids. Of course I help, don't want anyone damaging my car. Not sure what you're asking when you say how does it work.

            {{ ratingSum }}
            622 Rider Driver
             6 years ago

            One time I had to drive three five year olds and they each brought her own booster seat. It was adorable. They were going to one of the girls' birthday party.  Yes, mom was there.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    OP 8198 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    Was asked to answer a question on Quora today." What is the saddest thing I've experienced as an Uber driver? I choose to answer it with "parents requesting rides with no car seat and drivers not declining these rides. As many of you all ready know my answers are not short lol. Trust me when I say I didnt disappoint. Most lengthy to date. I am not askung anyone to go to Quora and read it as probably not enough time in a day to finish reading it:) What I am asking is that if you are a driver PLEASE CANCEL RIDE collect your fee and move on. As a rider dont requesr unless you have a car seat or order Uber with a safety seat, yes it is an option. I still need to check if Lyft has this. If you know thst answer I would appreciate if you could post. Save these kids. I know its not your job however please have a conscience, a good work ethic and be a voice for these kids that dont want to be severely injured or dead. I've asked quora readers to post any stories they may know…


    Was asked to answer a question on Quora today." What is the saddest thing I've experienced as an Uber driver? I choose to answer it with "parents requesting rides with no car seat and drivers not declining these rides. As many of you all ready know my answers are not short lol. Trust me when I say I didnt disappoint. Most lengthy to date. I am not askung anyone to go to Quora and read it as probably not enough time in a day to finish reading it:) What I am asking is that if you are a driver PLEASE CANCEL RIDE collect your fee and move on. As a rider dont requesr unless you have a car seat or order Uber with a safety seat, yes it is an option. I still need to check if Lyft has this. If you know thst answer I would appreciate if you could post. Save these kids. I know its not your job however please have a conscience, a good work ethic and be a voice for these kids that dont want to be severely injured or dead. I've asked quora readers to post any stories they may know of a child being injured or killed because a parent is too cluless, lazy, careless, irresponsible, or all of the above. Although I hate hearing about tragic stories especislly regarding children I feel the need to educate and raise awareness about this issue. Its not just rideshare that makes this an issue its the lack of knowledge, education, or the stupidity, carelessness, or the attitude that "it wont happen to my kid" that injures or kills these infants, toddlers, children under 10. 

    I am asking the drivers out there to make a difference, to save a life, and raise awareness. I am asking parents to stop requesting rides if there is not an appropriate safety seat provided by you or a driver. Please take a few minutes to post a story, share a story, text, FB, Twitter, etc  to raise awareness. You just may a save a life. Looking to do a good deed or pay it forward its easy you  save a life, save a fellow driver from heartache, financial ruin, jail time etc. Please raise awareness 1 post, share, tweet, whatever you choose to use asking drivers to cancel these rides and rides not to request them. If you really are bored ir in between rides feel free to visit quora and read my answer. Feel free to add to my comment here or on quora. The more people that share, like, upvote, post, the more people we can reach in hopes of saving 1, 2, hundreds, maybe thousands of children who have clueless, irresponsible, parents. Would greatly appreciate if we could do something about helping or saving these kids. Everyday now I am getting adults with kids and no seat. First one at an airport the other night 14 month old mom and dad had the correct appropriate child safety seat. Had a 7 yr old was on taller side seatbelt wouldnt of been 100% perfect but thankfully I have booster. Approximately an hour 20 min long ride $97.00 plus 20.00 tip although declined was offered food & drink ftom BK.) Had they not had seat i would be looking at 3.75 had i not had my 14.00 booster seat same outcome 3.75. I also scored a return ride towards my destination this almost never happens when I am in this area with destination filter.  $53.77 fare, my tolls paid on return trip, 12.00 tip. The ride with the kids was not pleasant for first 25 min as the baby screamed her adorable head off. Once we got on TP, lowered heat, pulled over to a Burger King to change disper and put some country music on (not my favorite but apparently hers) she went sound sleep. My point being my trip was easier, relaxing after 25 min because i had no worries of getting a ticket for no seat and no worries that the baby or 7yr old was flying through my windshield or out my side windows. Had responsible parents. Was treated well, trip nice, parents grateful for booster, and with good karma for being patient, pulling over for diaper change, assuring mom who was anxious over baby crying that I wasnt annoyed over it so she should relax. I got a good tip and a decent rider on a return trip with tolls pd and another decent tip. So with that being said wouldn't it be nice if we didnt have to decline these no car seat trips because they were not being requested. Answer I would be happier and so us my my bank account. Not that they would do it but Uber and Lyft should make a policy that the 1st time you request a car and have no seat driver will cancel ride with a 5.00 fee being charged to rider and driver reports it. Any ride requested after that will continue to incur fees going up 10.00 each time. I will be willing to bet this stops the problem altogether. Since this will not be an option unfortunately. Lets just take a stand ourselves and stop it. As always thanks for reading my lengthy posts. Thanks to those who upvote. 

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    {{ ratingSum }}
    OP 8198 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    If you have a story to share about a tragedy because child not in safety seat please share here. If you have a happy story to share because a seat saved a child please share. Thoughts and comments on the subject regarding child safety seats having to do with rideshare or just parents driving around with no seats please post. There is a separate thread in here but check this dumbass, lazy, careless adult.


    {{ ratingSum }}
    447 Rider Driver Driver
     6 years ago

    They are only stupid up to the point where you step on the brakes a little hard then surprise it's 911 I need a ambulance.  Then comes the lawsuit.  Trust no one expecially in this game.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 8198 Rider Driver
       6 years ago

      Unfortunately You cant trust anyone. What makes things even worse is you know as well as i do these parents that request ride and have no seat will sue you if you get in accident. Your fault or not they will have lawyer on phone before police get there. Just dont understand what these drivers are thinking by taking these riders with their kids. Are the naive? Desperate for $10/$20? Just plain stupid and careless? Whatever the reason its just not worth it whatsoever. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
    599 Rider
     6 years ago

    As stupid as these parents are, we shouldn't really be surprised. It's sad but a fact of life. Breaks my heart to see kids treated so carelessly. You did the right thing in not taking them.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    OP 8198 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    This women makes a turn, her child falls out of her moving car in her car seat. Not only was the car seat not tethered or buckled but door wasnt closed right or locked. Next time its going to be a child in an Uber or Lyft minus the car seat flying out the window or windshield. Drivers wake up this could be you. Decline riders if they have a child and no car seat. Do you want to be responsible for a child flying through your windshield or windows? 


    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago

    Wow this really aggravates me to no end. I am not a driver but this law needs to be followed better (tougher consequences?!). I mean these children are not deciding to get in an unsafe vehicle, they have no control over the situation, it is not fair that these "parents" can put their kids in this danger so easily and many people do not even bat an eye. This has to be solved.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 8198 Rider Driver
       6 years ago

      I agree:) Problem with Uber/Lyft. They dont care. If driver is dumb enough to do it U/L will not back driver if they get in an accident but U/L figure some idiots will do it so they get their cut of that ride. Win/Win for them. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
    1602 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    It would be SO EASY for Uber to flash a message when ordering a ride to say "Riders must be 18 unless accompanied by a parent/guardian.  Chidren under X years must be accompanied by an appropriate child seat,  installed by you,  and used consistently throughout the ride"...  How hard would that be?  

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 8198 Rider Driver
       6 years ago

      Thats my point. It wouldnt be difficult. They make a 1/2 sentence mention of it in community guidelines. They know some drivers will still pick these people up which makes them money. If driver gets in accident they will say "its in rules not to pick these people up". So U/L win either way. Its the driver who loses either way by driving and then not being able to take ride or driver gets in accident. Thats where the real trouble starts. Charge these people a $25 fee if they are under 18 or dont have seats and guarantee it will stop. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
    2 Driver
     5 years ago

    I completely agree with everything you said. I have declined many trips because of this issue. It pisses me off that some parents are willing to put their children's lives at risk for their own selfish convenience. Foolish drivers who transport children without a car seat do not seem to understand that they are risking a lifetime of unbearable guilt and grief associated with the possibility of being responsible for serious injury or death of an unrestrained child. Also the legal ramifications could cause financial ruin and lengthy prison sentences. As you said..Its not worth a $10, $20 or any other amount fare to risk this. Very well said. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
    3 Rider
     6 years ago

    Wth is wrong with these parents? I’ll bet they are young parents. Not a care in the world. They need to wake up and realize what could happen. Learn to actually take care of their children. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago

    If people are gonna lie to me that they are 18 and ride my car, that isn't my problem.

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      OP 8198 Rider Driver
       6 years ago

      I dont mean this sarcastically but if anything happens while they are in your car it will be your problem. A minor gets hurt in your car its going to bring nothing but trouble and lawsuits.  Lets say kid is going somewhere they are not supposed to be, has a seizure, is on drugs & overdoses, etc... you dont get kid to hospital in time and they die. Parents going to sue as you took their minor child without their permission. There is just a whole slew of things that could happen. Lets say you are a male driver 16 yr old girl takes Uber but isnt supposed to parents catch her.  To get out of trouble she claims male driver said something or touched her inappropriately? You just dont know what these kids are capable of saying. I ask they tell  me they 18 although some dont realize you need to be 18 and tell the truth. If I am not sure i ask for ID if they dont have it I decline ride. I will say that I have had 2 17 yr olds that I had no idea they were under 18. Its diffic…


      I dont mean this sarcastically but if anything happens while they are in your car it will be your problem. A minor gets hurt in your car its going to bring nothing but trouble and lawsuits.  Lets say kid is going somewhere they are not supposed to be, has a seizure, is on drugs & overdoses, etc... you dont get kid to hospital in time and they die. Parents going to sue as you took their minor child without their permission. There is just a whole slew of things that could happen. Lets say you are a male driver 16 yr old girl takes Uber but isnt supposed to parents catch her.  To get out of trouble she claims male driver said something or touched her inappropriately? You just dont know what these kids are capable of saying. I ask they tell  me they 18 although some dont realize you need to be 18 and tell the truth. If I am not sure i ask for ID if they dont have it I decline ride. I will say that I have had 2 17 yr olds that I had no idea they were under 18. Its difficult to judge how old some of these teens are. You know as well as I do if they are 18 and get anniyed because you ask for ID there goes the good ole 1 star. It sucks. Should not be our job to confirm their age.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      71 Rider Driver
       6 years ago

      Driving a 17 year old that looks 18 and a 2 year old that clearly still needs a car seat are two different things...

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    77 Driver
     6 years ago

    Don't hate me but I have ridden with my child on my lap before in a taxi, sometimes you have to do what you have to do....

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      OP 8198 Rider Driver
       6 years ago

      Daisygirl, as a driver when you pull up and there are kids do you take them without car seats? You state that  "sometimes you have to do what you have to do".  Can I ask what you had to do that was so important that you risked your childs life to get in a cab with no safety seat? Why not a bus or train or bring the seat? How old was your child? Just curious trying to understand the logic with the riders and drivers who take children with no seats. 

      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 8198 Rider Driver
       6 years ago

      As a mom with 4 kids and as a driver. I just dont comprehend putting a child in danger. If you have children do you not have car seats? I will not put my children at risk nor will I put someone elses child at risk. Uber, Lyft, dont drug test nor do they do the best background checks. How do you know the person that is driving you you isnt drunk, high, tired? Lets assume your driver isnt drunk, high, tired, they never caused an accident what about the people on the road around them? I sat here trying to think of what possible situation could anyone have that would warrant not bringing a car seat. I really cant think of any.  Is there anything in this world that you need to do that is more important than your child's safety? How do you go on with your life if your child dies or is injured? I was going to say how unfair you are putting the driver in that postion but not only should driver refuse but your not keeping your child safe so why would you care about driver? Sorry but just think its very wrong, careless, just awful that people dont care about their child.