This would be a good idea for safety issues. But.... I use Waze all the time. Are riders going to think I am trying to take a longer way? Kidnap them? I see this causing an issue in some rides. Guess its time to tell riders when they get in that I use Waze and take the shortest route. Dont need reports stating I am taking longer routes. I prefer to take the shortest route possible so I can drop rider off and pick up another rider. I am getting paid .1725 per min .66 per mile. Whats the most I can stretch a trip? Maybe 20 min 5 mile for 6.75 lets even double it (although think rider would question this) 40 min, 10 miles = 13.50. That is just a waste of time and loss of income. My trips are usually long ones $25/$125. Why would I risk getting my ratings (4.95 Uber/4.99 Lyft) for a 1 star (possible report), getting deactivated, or rider flipping out. I have had rider get mad & send report to Uber because navagation took me off a major road only to put me back on the following enterance. Took 2 extra min extra if that. Why would I want to make an extra $3/$7 when I could get a more lucrative trip with a big tip? I dont understand why any driver would do this unless their market was extremely slow and they waited long times between trips. I dont do shady things, lie, cheat, and game the system like some drivers may. The drivers I know are also honest and fair. Hate when some articles, videos, etc.. surface and make it seem like all drivers are shady. Ok went off topic if article but I just think that this may cause an issue if it does indeed come to be a thing.
Google Maps could be a Potential Problem for drivers in the future.
Posted 5 years, 8 months ago
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Monica Castleberry (momof4)

Ride Expert from Philadelphia PA
Mom & Nursing Student by day Ride Share Driver by night always on the go
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I do it on occasion when I know I'm saving the rider 5+ minutes, but I tell them what I am doing and why before I make the move. I will also give them the decision if the app is showing a change in the regular route. I'll tell them the workaround is being suggested and the app gets it right about 75-80% of the time. Sometimes they choose to stay the course and sometimes they go with the app's suggestion.
Seems like it will only really hurt dishonest drivers. I'm not gonna worry about it. do Waze and gmaps differ that much? A third of a mile is a pretty long way off course.
In some places two routes can be completely different directions. Like a highway route can go way far from a back roads route.
I dont think it will be a big issue just think it has potential for being annoying when you have that back seat driver, nervous Nellie, or drunk that may think male driver is kidnapping her:) Would be good for those drivers who drag out a trip for the few extra $. Kind of getting tired of seeing articles that paint every driver as been "that Uber driver". One article leads people to believe we are involved in the "surge conspiracy". Lol The one that started with Regan Airport. The other night had riders new to rideshare were not from this country or one that had Uber/Lyft. When we hit tolls he started "is that going to make ride more money, there is traffic is that goung to be more money, if you take the long route will that cost me more"? I wanted to say no way in hell would I take you the long way, just want to dump you as quick as possible . I finally showed him the 3 routes in Waze to assure him I was on the fastest route. We were headed to JFK did he…
I dont think it will be a big issue just think it has potential for being annoying when you have that back seat driver, nervous Nellie, or drunk that may think male driver is kidnapping her:) Would be good for those drivers who drag out a trip for the few extra $. Kind of getting tired of seeing articles that paint every driver as been "that Uber driver". One article leads people to believe we are involved in the "surge conspiracy". Lol The one that started with Regan Airport. The other night had riders new to rideshare were not from this country or one that had Uber/Lyft. When we hit tolls he started "is that going to make ride more money, there is traffic is that goung to be more money, if you take the long route will that cost me more"? I wanted to say no way in hell would I take you the long way, just want to dump you as quick as possible . I finally showed him the 3 routes in Waze to assure him I was on the fastest route. We were headed to JFK did he really think we would hit no traffic? I wanted to say yes and look at the traffic headed back. I will be sitting in that with no rider (logging those dead miles). Lol Be lucky I didnt find out a block away and cancel like many drivers do. Loved that he had me lift all the heavy suitcases out of my car while he stood there and watched. Mom and 18 yr old sin jumped out of car to head to BR so they didnt help either. You guessed it no tip. There was more annoying crap on the way there was just one of those trips:)
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Personally as a rider I like this a lot. I always follow along with maps in my rides as I get nervous riding with strangers. this would provide me with some security.
It may be helpful for riders. If they do it hope they not only put it in maps but waze also. Many drivers use Waze and it does differ from maps at times. I think that may cause an issue if rider is on maps and driver is using waze. Dont mean this in a sarcastic way but if you are following along during your trip wouldnt you be able to tell driver went a different way? This is just something that is supposed to warn you. I guess so you dont have to follow it just listen for a beep or whatever it does to warn you.
Here are some other safety features you can use also if you dont all ready know. You can share your route (trip)in the app with family and friends. There is 911 in both Uber and Lyft. The companies know where the driver and rider is and can send help. Always look at the make, model, color of the vehicle, driver profile pic, and license plate in your rider app after driver accepts your request. You can watch as the driver approaches. Never get into a vehicle th…
It may be helpful for riders. If they do it hope they not only put it in maps but waze also. Many drivers use Waze and it does differ from maps at times. I think that may cause an issue if rider is on maps and driver is using waze. Dont mean this in a sarcastic way but if you are following along during your trip wouldnt you be able to tell driver went a different way? This is just something that is supposed to warn you. I guess so you dont have to follow it just listen for a beep or whatever it does to warn you.
Here are some other safety features you can use also if you dont all ready know. You can share your route (trip)in the app with family and friends. There is 911 in both Uber and Lyft. The companies know where the driver and rider is and can send help. Always look at the make, model, color of the vehicle, driver profile pic, and license plate in your rider app after driver accepts your request. You can watch as the driver approaches. Never get into a vehicle that doesnt match what your app is telling you. If anything is different do not get into that car. You can take an extra step by calling or texting the driver when they pull up. If their phone doesnt receive your call or text something isnt right. Not every state requires license plates on front of vehicles. You may have to check the back. Lastly do not assume because there is a sticker or light up amp/sign in drivers windows that they are a legitmate Uber or Lyft driver. Anyone , anywhere can make them or sell them on Amazon, EBay, etc... Always be aware of your surroundings. Stay safe:)
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