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He Has Driven for Uber Since 2012. He Makes About $40,000 a Year.

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1448 Rider
 Posted 5 years, 10 months ago


Uber driver's favorite passenger review:  “Dude drove like a cabdriver.”


    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    You know this reminds me of the stories I would hear about the coal miners back in the old days. they were paid so little that all they could do was keep working in the mines just to get by, the pay was set just perfectly so that each miner would never have enough to actually get out of debt and move away. A type of slavery for sure. Meanwhile the owners got filthy rich. Sounds just like Uber to me... Some things never change.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    447 Rider Driver Driver
     5 years ago

    Is this fiqure the Gross ?  In NYC a gross of $40000  is a average net of  $26000

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    Why such a creepy picture?! Is he holding his own face with a taxi car smashed into it? AHHH

    Show Hide  2 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
      8 Rider
       5 years ago

      Actually...(pulled in parts from the article) “On days off, Mr. Ashlock, an artist, has created mixed-media heads of public figures who irritate him. Mr. Kalanick was an inevitable choice. The entrepreneur’s hair is made of shredded currency, painstakingly glued on a strip at a time. A Yellow Cab is crashing into his left cheek. There is a tattoo of Ayn Rand, the high prophet of selfishness, on his neck.

      “The sculpture makes me smile,” Mr. Ashlock said. “It’s the only thing about Uber that does.”

        {{ ratingSum }}
        87 Driver
         5 years ago

        Hahaha, this is great. 

        He really doesn't like Uber, huh!

    {{ ratingSum }}
    135 Rider
     5 years ago

    Sounds about right, this is the sad nature of Uber drivers.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     1 year ago  (edited 1 year ago)

    But the point is that this is the average figure, who knows how much he got at the beginning and how much he gets now, besides I think that because of inflation the final amount is not so concrete, moreover, I know that taxi colleagues can make 50k a year, this is not so high for them. Besides that I also sometimes work in uber, because I am a student and I need money; and not long ago I did writing with the help of https://phdessay.com/free-essays-on/entrepreneur/ about Entrepreneur, it made me understand better how this and in general business works. Now I very much want after finishing college to create my own business!