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I have been recently deactivated by Uber permanently. Uber refuses to give me an exact explanation. Uber advises that it was for a zero tolerance violation. I was deactivated over a year ago. Uber completed their investigation and it was determined the rider lied. Could have made a second mistake? My customer service rating is 4.88. Do I have any legal recourse since Uber refuse an exact explanation? Please Advise

{{ ratingSum }}
7 Driver
 Posted 5 years ago

I have been recently deactivated by Uber permanently. Uber refuses to give me an exact explanation. Uber advises that it was for a zero tolerance violation. I was deactivated over a year ago. Uber completed their investigation and it was determined the rider lied. Could have made a second mistake?  My customer service rating is 4.88. Do I have any legal recourse since Uber refuse an exact explanation? Please Advise 


    {{ ratingSum }}
    1300 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    You're not alone. I had a driver friend who's 74 taking care of 2 kids get deactivated by a DUI claim of a passenger. He has COPD, the caught syrup he takes eminates an alcoholic smell. Uber suspended his account for 48 hours telling him that an investigation will take place. They did not even call him to get his side and on the third day he was permanently deactivated a week before Christmas. He's done over 8000 rides with a 4.95 rating. So, moral of the story is, UBER is like the LAPD, shoot first ask questions later. All drivers are one fraudulent complaint from deactivation. Is it fair? Of course not, that's why drivers need a law like AB5 in CA to protect them.

    But my friend is going to sue UBER in small claims court and civil court. If you can get a labor attorney to take your case on a contingency basis, go for it, you have nothing to lose.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    221 Driver
     2 years ago

    Any updates AJ? Hope you have received some compensation and an apology from Uber. Good Luck!

    {{ ratingSum }}
    1602 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    Do you have an Uber Hub office in your area?  I would go visit them where you can speak to a "live person" and perhaps you can sway them to get involved.  This whole "drinking" thing has gotten completely out of hand with customers who choose to totally disregard the outcome to you in hopes of gaining a free ride or free credit on their account.  It's criminal but there's little you can do and that's completely unfair to everyone.  I found it infuriating as I'm sure you do!!!

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      {{ ratingSum }}
       4 years ago  (edited 4 years ago)

      This is madness and it got to stop. customers are not always rights and it is dangerous for a company to endorse false accusations of customers against its workers when normally such accusations are of criminal nature and require proof beyond a reasonable doubt. There is legal and moral reasons to be concerned about such practice. If there is no law that creates a remedy for such unfair outcome, there should be one. I am sure the gig economy is too big to go away in the near future and such a scenario will come up over and over again. For those workers advocate organizations, please take a note of that and do something about it. It is not a joke to terminate a hard worker with a family to support over fabrications made by some unfair and nasty customer.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    Have you tried posting this in the legal forum here?