July 4th took a 20 min long pick up. It was a surged ride. Time 10.12 min distamce 6.54 miles I was pd. 7.00 for long pick up. Now FF yesterday surged ride also 1.72 miles and 5 min. The 5 min is wrong it was a 47 min minus the 10 for threshold so 37 min. Was pd 2.52. For 5 min. I've emailed support they are not understanding that there is was a storm and traffic was heavy. They are basing it off the time it shouldve took minus traffic and weather. When request came in yesterday Uber was giving false arrival and destination times as they were not using real time accounting for traffic and weather conditions. Am i wrong or should i be paid for the 37 min it actually took?
I need drivers help. Long Pick up fee issues with Uber. Need clarification.
Posted 6 years, 4 months ago
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Monica Castleberry (momof4)

Ride Expert from Philadelphia PA
Mom & Nursing Student by day Ride Share Driver by night always on the go
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How much is the cancellation fee supposed to be? I thought it was supposed to be a flat fee?
I always thought it was based on the time is actually took. What exactly is Uber saying back to you? Can you paste the emails here?
Once you go over the treshold 10 min here in Phila you get long pick up fee miles and min. I have to get someone who knows how to paste the emails unfortunately I am illiterate when it comes to tech. Basically they kerp sending how long pick up fees work. Its burnt in my screen i received the same answer so many times. Lol what it seems like is they are not aknowledging the traffic and weather that day. They pd me like 5 min extra for one and 2 min on other. When in reality it was( -10 min) 26 which would be 16 min pd and 47 which would be 37 min pd. When the trips were accepted that day both my app and rider app were stating normal pick up times ex. 1st trip was 12 min 2nd trip was 12 min had it not been snowing at rush hour entire philly and lower bucks was backed up everywhere entire areas were surged. They are not understanding it was not a normal day and i know for a fact when a trip is surged long pick up fees are more money. I hope this makes sense but ill work on getting that stuff uploaded to here. I am just pissed he may only be an extra 5/15.00 but just tired of Ubers BS. Thank you
It should be by the actual time it took. Of course! Isn't that how we are paid when we drive our passengers? If there are excessive traffic jam or whatever, it switches over to distance/duration calculation. (I think.) If the passenger changes destinations, the upfront pricing goes out the window, and it goes back to distasnce/duration calculation too.
The same logic and accommodations should be applied for long pickup.
Thats what I thought. Thats how I was paid in July but apparently we didnt get that memo they changed it or Uber support must get a commision on any money they screw the driver out of. I have sent 9 messages to them and still getting the scripted answer that is now forever burned in my brain and my phone screen. I am not letting this go. Going to call tomorrow. I was screwed out of a total of 56 min on 2 trips. Although I may be deactivated by morning. Lets just say the last message I sent was far from nice extremely rude and possibly bordering on inappropriate. I've just had enough.
Well, you know why it isn't. It's because if a driver knows that there will be a long pickup fee, he or she will spend a long time driving around just to score a higher pay.
I get that. Normally yes those rides would've never taken that long. Rider would've have cancelled my ass had that been a normal day. I've explained over and over that it was heavy traffic due to snowy conditions. If Uber didnt believe it that could contact the rider or check local weather for the day (yes i get that will not do it). There has to be a way to deal with this. What drivers in their right mind would ever drive in bad weather or bad traffic ever if this were to happen all the time. My 1st ride was approx 26 min to pick up another 35 min to drop off for 20.50 & she tipped 20%. 2nd ride was 77 min. 31.00. Had there been no surge it wouldve been 13.00 & 11.00. No way would i ever drive again for that. In July I had a 20 min long pick up (10 is threshold here) i was pd. 7.00 long pick up fee. Uber is so inconsistent. Customer service is beyond awful. Not giving up yet because its the pricipal of it at this point.
Unless its a surged ride on long pick up fee …
I get that. Normally yes those rides would've never taken that long. Rider would've have cancelled my ass had that been a normal day. I've explained over and over that it was heavy traffic due to snowy conditions. If Uber didnt believe it that could contact the rider or check local weather for the day (yes i get that will not do it). There has to be a way to deal with this. What drivers in their right mind would ever drive in bad weather or bad traffic ever if this were to happen all the time. My 1st ride was approx 26 min to pick up another 35 min to drop off for 20.50 & she tipped 20%. 2nd ride was 77 min. 31.00. Had there been no surge it wouldve been 13.00 & 11.00. No way would i ever drive again for that. In July I had a 20 min long pick up (10 is threshold here) i was pd. 7.00 long pick up fee. Uber is so inconsistent. Customer service is beyond awful. Not giving up yet because its the pricipal of it at this point.
Unless its a surged ride on long pick up fee so not worth it for the .45 you end up with to even try and drag it out. Dont know what driver would take their time for 1.00 or less. Maybe on a surge. Maybe rates are better elsewhere but definately not here in Philly. My logic is why waste dragging time out on a long pick up fee on a non surged ride when I csn get the ride done faster snd move on to a possibly better trip or someone who may tip.
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