Still no motive behind this terrible tragedy but at least he is owning up to what he did. The trials are just now beginning.
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Still no motive behind this terrible tragedy but at least he is owning up to what he did. The trials are just now beginning.
Oh man I totally remember that. It seemed so random, and he was just driving people in his car for Uber in between killing other people!! But he didn't kill any of his passengers... just so weird.
Dalton told investigators he “saw the Eastern Star symbol and the devil pop up on his phone through the Uber app.”
Apparently, he claims the app possessed him. I mean it is Uber so not all that unlikely 😋
This was like the first big incident that made people freak out about rideshare drivers right?
ya, that is how I remember it.
I wonder if the riders will have to testify
RIP to the victims. The world is a scary place.