Didn't realize that. Looksl like the Trump administration is trying to break it up now.
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Drives for Uber and Lyft in the Boston area
Didn't realize that. Looksl like the Trump administration is trying to break it up now.
Trump makes anything a news. We never even knew there was an Uber Union in Seattle until Trump started doing something about it.
Surprised he hasn't tweeted about it yet.
I really hate unions, but with the way things are for drivers nowadays this seems like a valid place for them. Tired of getting screwed over by Uber.
It... it sounds like you don't really hate unions then...
No one likes it when unions get too powerful, but without them, the owners are way too powerful. There has to be a balance.
What's up with Seattle? They are always in the news with their taxi mess. Before Uber came around, there was a huge feud with gypsy cabs taking business away from the real taxis. (maybe this was like ten years ago) Now I guess those gypsies have all downloaded the Uber app, huh?
Always a mess. Now Uber drivers has a union. Are they battling it against Taxi unions?
How can there be a union if drivers are independent contractors?
Isn't Seattle the city it was heavily debated whether the Uber drivers were independent contractor or employees? I think the city argued for them being an employee, so I bet the drivers took advantage of it.