"a well-known London restaurant called Bob Bob Ricard is implementing a surge pricing model this month, with prices for the same meals being offered at a 25 percent discount during off-peak times as opposed to its busiest hours."
Thanks Uber. Now some restaurants are trying out surge pricing.
Posted 7 years, 1 month ago
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Bill Jutre (jutre)

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This totally reminds me of the "pay-for-what-you-can" concept. It's super cool If you are poor, you pay less. If you are rich, you pay more. If you are homeless, you pay nothing. Way to take care of the community
wait, no. Wasn't that like a total shitshow? like the mark wahlberg one. People felt bad and ended up paying more, and were all weirded out. and people who were homeless didn't want to come in to a fancy place in their dirty clothes.
it basically ended up being some publicity stunt.
No, no, no. It was a total nutjob disaster. They were hoping people were generous, but it turns out we all suck. No one paid and restaurants lost crazy amount of money. Here's an example from Business Insider. A restaurant in China.
But when it came time to pay, many customers only paid 10% of their bill, and in certain cases, guests left only a single yuan (about 15 cents) for their meals.
I was told by my asian (but non-chinese) friend that the chinese area cheap and this is why this happened. No, I am not racist. I was just told this.
huh, so is this going to be the way everything works from now on? Oh wait, I guess a lot of places already do this. Daytime movies are cheapers, bars over happy hour specials early in the evening, plumbers charge extra to make middle of the night house calls, etc. Why is this news?
yes sally. good point.
Yep. It's called capitalism. and law of supply-and-demand. This article just shows you can make anything sound bad (or good).
Fine by me seeing how I eat at 4:30 with my 5 month old anyway...
I do love it how they might get away with it by claiming this is a "discount" during non-busy times. If they said the price goes up during busy times, there would have been a huge uproar.
Many restaurants already sort of do this, right? HAPPY HOUR anyone? Lunch specials and lunch menus?
Isn't happy hour and deep alcoholic discounts illegal in some states? I remember "quarter bottle" nights in Baltimore, but they don't exist in Massachusetts.
We all know about "Uber for XYZ", but I never thought of "Uber surge for XYZ." I will start.
- Uber surge for Vending Machines. If the machine is freshly stocked, the can is only $0.50 each. However, if there's only one can left, it's whopping $5.00.
Ski lift tickets? Grocery stores? Concert tickets? Plumbers? Prostitutes? Houses?
Only one!!!
Then again, there may be a flaw in this game. Most things already function under the philosophy of Supply-vs-Demand. Did I just defend Uber's surge pricing inadvertently?
Yeah, I think so. What have you done?!!!!