Hey y'all, wanted to share this, I'm sure it probably effects me more being that I am a philly based driver, curious if y'all think this is an overreaction or what.
The beginning of the end of Uber and Lyft - Sami's Law
Posted 5 years, 6 months ago
Posted By
Eddie Doyle (EddieDoyle)
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Tony West chief legal counsel of Uber argues its drivers aren’t core to its business, won’t reclassify them as employees
"Say My Name" didnt go over to well & still causing some drivers a problem. Now NJ passed a new law to go in effect in 9 mths. Uber & Lyft will they stay or will they go in NJ?
Tink's Life - Why I quit Uber
Uber driver in another state while attending school
This takes the cake, a man riding his Lime scooter on the highway in Texas, crossing 4 lanes of traffic!
Yeah. He's overreacting a little imo... I don't know if this law is really going to change anything but like... dude, chill out. If like he says the NYC drivers stop going to NJ as a result, well, that's good for the NJ drivers then.
So this law basically says every driver has to put some sort of barcode on their window? And it applies to anyone who wants to pick up in NJ? I mean as long as Uber makes that available to whoever might need it (ie. not just NJ drivers but also people like you who are based outside of NJ but want to pick up there), I don't see a huge problem with it. Yeah it slows things down a little but it should help with the imposter problem...
The problem is, in our society is that when something happens, often due to user error, we try to engineer controls to combat human ignorance. It is getting to a point where if somebody decided to stick their head into microwave to dry their hair and died, microwave manufacturer will be sued for not warning user not to dry hair in the microwave and of course an added label stating that will start showing up on the next one comin off the line. I had drinks climb into my car only to be politely asked to leave as they were clearly not my passengers. Drunk people and often sober ones too will not go through trouble of reading / scanning labels if they are too lazy now to look at the license plate these days which is the easiest verification they can do.
Next time some warehouse guy cuts his index finger with a box cutter opening a box we will outlaw the use of an index finger. Country is becoming too soft and common sense is disappearing.
The problem is lawyers... They'll put together a lawsuit for anything. It's all gravy for them.. and, liability is all screwed up and placed on the wrong parties. But our lawmakers are all lawyers so this will never get fixed.
If someone impersonates a cop, do you further regulate cops, or do you punish the offenders for their criminal activites? The same applies in the rideshare world.