This team at Tride are making a splash in Texas and Oklahoma as the disrupting new rideshare company. Here's UberMan talking about his first impression.
Tride - The Honest Rideshare Company [UberMan]
Posted 7 years, 11 months ago
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Ippei Takahashi (ippei)
Ride Guru from Boston, MA - USA
Uber Driver, CEO of TaxiFareFinder and Unleashed, LLC
Uber Driver and CEO/President of Unleashed, LLC.
Ippei boasts over 11 years of experience in travel and taxi industry. As a CEO, he has built, managed, and executed the operations of TaxiFareFinder since 2007. He has partnerships and relationships with major taxi, rideshare, and other travel-related companies.
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Tride is an upcoming rideshare company in TX and OK. Has anyone tried them yet? As a rider or driver? I'd love to hear people's feedback. I hear good things so far.
One of the trusted options in Austin where Uber and Lyft still do not operate.
never tried.
I visit Austin sometimes. They have like 8 different ridesahres services despite not having uber or lyft
Speaking of Austin. Great City Spotlight from this week:
RideGuru City Spotlight of the Week: Austin
I always thought it was T-Ride. Like, 'Tee Ride'. No?