Apparently the investigation is still ongoing but it looks like a driver just shot a passenger this morning! The article also makes it sound like both parties had guns.
Uber driver fatally shoots passenger in Denver
Posted 6 years, 7 months ago
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Way things are right now, your actions will always be tied to being an Uber driver What an impact you have for the entire industry. Whatever you do as an Uber driver affects the direction of the whole market. What responsibility!!
There's so much truth to that statement it's scary. If a driver shoplifted or beat his wife, in sure it'll be appended with "by an Uber driver."
The same is true with the robot cars. It'll hit a squirrel some day and that one critter will disrupt the whole car manufacturing market.
What time to be alive.
wow. There has never been a truer comment.
That'll teach him not to tip.
LOL Winna Winna Chicken Dinna
So Uber drivers are just carrying guns around now?! What is happening to this country!
Maybe the next Uber will be Uber for Gun carriers. "Finally an Uber where both the driver and the rider carry guns!"