Apparently, in a now deleted job posting, Uber is looking for someone who can help deliver on this ambitious goal. Is Uber trying to beat out Amazon?
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Apparently, in a now deleted job posting, Uber is looking for someone who can help deliver on this ambitious goal. Is Uber trying to beat out Amazon?
Probably. All the other publicity they get is negative because they are a dishonest company that will never change their ways. If it were true I wouldn't use it. Dont want my food flying through the air before I eat it. What happens when birds attack and eat the food? Would be pretty funny to watch.
This is all Uber hype to "get people excited" about investing in Uber next year.
This is just so weird. I mean really, we are spending millions on resources to make burgers fly yet a significant portion of the world still goes hungry every night.
How many of these "deadlines" have come and gone for all of Ubers initiatives. This is just a marketing tactic to get them to make the news. SMH