Seriously, what does this have anything to do with Lyft.
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Seriously, what does this have anything to do with Lyft.
Taking a Lyft ride is as ubiquitous as brushing our teeth in the morning. Next headline:
"A boy falls off the swing after taking Uber to the playground."
“A woman commits tax fraud after taking her fifth Lyft ride.”
Yeah, I saw this everywhere as well.
Lyft already verified that the driver had properly dropped her off at the specified location (specified by the passenger). Continued to make regular drops.
I mean, that's a darn good alibi and all the GPS evidence to prove it.
CNN updates the story praising Lyft for providing GPS location
Clickbate fake news by, who else but our trusty Fox News.
This totally reminds me of that article that said "A girl gets kidnapped by an Uber driver" but the truth was that she was drunk waiting for an Uber and got on some random dude's car.
It's in question whether the kidnapper was actually pretending to be an Uber driver.
News people are great for speculating. They dont care if its the truth or not, just want to be the first ones to break a story. So much exaggeration, lies, and BS is put out on the news. Right away the girl was in a Lyft (usually Uber) so it must have been the driver that did it. They should really get their facts straight instead of talking out of there ass. Very sad what happened to this girl. Prayers for the family.
I think this is happening because “Uber” and “Lyft” are good keywords and editor knows it. It sounds better, does better on the news feeds and social media, and catches people’s attention.
What’s sneaky is that the headline can be read in so many different ways, and they know they can get away with it. They make sure it’s technically true but ignore the story it implies. “...after taking Lyft ride.”
Good point and so true.
In fact, I am only now realising that this could be done specifically by competitors to enhance their reputation. Besides this as a college student, to avoid such kind of situations, I strive not to use public transport, and if possible, to do my lessons online, because this is much more convenient and simple, besides this I use; because online speech writers are the best I have ever met, besides the fact that the guys did everything I needed, I managed to communicate with them and learn a lot of new stuff, now for me it is much easier and convenient to do my homework, moreover I won't have to go to college so often to visit the library.
Fox news being Fox news...
I wonder if there is a right wing propaganda built into this one