What if you found a Stradivarius Violin (worth ~$10M) in the backseat?
...and just to make it interesting, let's say there was no way the owner could track you.
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What if you found a Stradivarius Violin (worth ~$10M) in the backseat?
...and just to make it interesting, let's say there was no way the owner could track you.
Are you crazy? Straight to the police. I don't want to be the guy that broke a stradivarius.
For those who might think you have made a big pay day, there's no way you'd be able to unload this thing without getting nabbed. There are only a few hundred in existence.
I would pull over, lock the doors, and wait for help to arrive. LOL.
I drive an Uber, so I am not sure how I would be able to get away with stealing it. There are too many ways to track what happened. I suppose I could argue that I didn't notice the violin and gave too many additional rides. At which point, no one will be able to prove that *I* took it.
I am not even smart enough to make anything of it though. Where would I go? Some blackmarket? Chinatown? Call up the Sotheby's? I have a feeling I will just mess up and get thrown into jail. I'd be so scared of the darn thing in my car.
Thsi is assuming I knew what it was and it's potential worth, right?
I'd totally touch it. When would you ever have the chance? I have great respect for such irreplaceable items, but what an opportunity! I mean, I would totally play it...attempt to play it. Is that bad?
I would have no idea that it was worth 10 mill, now if I found 10 mill in cash that would be a different scenerio...