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Which gets the best reviews, uber or lyft?

{{ ratingSum }}
9 Rider
 Posted 6 years, 9 months ago


    {{ ratingSum }}
    OP 9 Rider
     6 years ago

    Should I confirm the times for pick up in advance?  For example I know that I need to 7:15 AM pick up on the Sunday, June 17, do I call the night before or how does it work?

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      1026 Rider Guru
       6 years ago

      If you are traveling from a relatively large city (looks like you will be traveling from Austin) then you shouldn't need to schedule a ride in advance. In most metropolitan areas, there are plenty of drivers driving 24/7 so it is never difficult to get a ride on demand. I am copying some article links below that might help you!

      How to Request an Uber

      How to Schedule an Uber

      There are also plenty of articles on Lyft. If you prefer to use Lyft, use the "Search RideGuru" bar up above to find information on ordering a Lyft ride.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago

    In a lot of places, most actually, they are literally the same drivers. Drivers drive for both lyft and uber, at the same time. So you are not going to have a big difference in the level of service.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 9 Rider
       6 years ago

      Thank you...

        {{ ratingSum }}
        269 Driver
         6 years ago

        Wait a minute. It's true that many drivers do drive for both Uber and Lyft but most do stick with one service and use the other as a backup. This is to make sure they get the promotions offered by their primary company.

        Also, Lyft drivers are a subset of Uber drivers.  There are plenty of drivers who do NOT drive for Lyft.  

        In terms of the quality of service?  Well, it depends on the driver, of course.  but in general?  Lyft drivers are more niche and perhaps more accustomied to and are "regulars" at driving.  So they may be better drivers.  At least "more "dedicated" drivers.