
What are Dockless Bikes?

Posted by: RideGuru Team Jun 20, 2018
Updated Jan 16, 2020


The transportation industry is booming and the newest service to hit the streets is “dockless bikes”. Gaining popularity in San Diego, dockless bikes have garnered a lot of media attention, both positive and negative. Let’s walk through what dockless bikes are, how they are being used, and what dockless bike companies currently exist so you can get up to speed on this new trend.


What are Dockless Bikes?

Dockless bikes are “station free ridesharing bicycles”. In other words, you can rent a bike through the app and take it from point a to point b without having to find a “pickup/dropoff” station.


Where are Dockless Bikes available?

Right now, Dockless bikes are only available across San Diego County.


How do I order and use a Dockless Bike?

First you need to download a Dockless Bike app (for available companies see below). When you see a Dockless bike on the street, open your app and tap the “unlock” button. Then scan the bike’s QR code. When you are finished using the bike, park the bike and manually lock the bike to end your trip.


What are the Dockless Bike companies?

The four main Dockless Bike companies are:


How much do Dockless Bikes cost?

Dockless Bikes usually charge by the half hour or hour. Here are how the above companies break down the cost:


Why are Dockless bikes controversial?

Dockless Bikes are incredibly convenient, and with an estimated 4,000 bikes in San Diego alone, they provide direct transportation from point a to point b without any hassle of finding a docking station. However, some people disagree with Dockless bikes saying they are crowding the streets and sidewalks. Many businesses are frustrated with the amounts of bikes “littering” the sidewalk. Without docking stations the streets can feel a bit chaotic with parked bikes.

Have you tried Dockless Bikes yet? Comment Below!

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