
Is Bike Sharing the Future of Transportation? [Infographic]

Posted by: RideGuru Team Nov 12, 2018
Updated Jan 16, 2020


We are continuing our weekly fall infographic series this week with some fascinating insight into the world of "two wheels". With nearly 900 bike-share systems now in operation worldwide, the bike-share boom is officially upon us.

While the number show that bike sharing is booming, according to our recent survey, bike sharing usage in the US is still in the early stages with only 14% of respondents stating that they were regular users of bike or scooter shares. On a more promising note though, 30% mentioned that they could see themselves using this mode of transportation more in the future and 46% were open to the idea of using a combination of bikes and cars to get to their destination. With Uber and Lyft both recently acquiring on-demand bike platforms, we estimate it is only a matter of time until you will be able to order multiple modes of transportation at once.

What is bike sharing?

Bike sharing is a transportation idea in which bicycles (and now scooters) are available for shared used to individuals looking to get from point a to point b. Users are able to borrow a bike off the street from a designated area (dock) and return their bike to a different dock when they reach their destination. Users are able to unlock bikes from the docks through a smartphone application. Once a bike sharing user creates a profile and enters their payment information they will be able to take a bike for their commuting needs. Some benefits of bike sharing are cheaper cost and reduced pollution.

Check back weekly for more insight into our top survey takeaways!

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