Angela Taylor (RedANT)

Ride Scholar from Seattle

1072 Rider Driver


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Comments by RedANT

  • I hear you.  I had a cancel this morning, with another rideshare car leaving the address as I pulled up.  4am in a dark residential area?  I'm pretty sure the passenger ordered from both companies and just took the first that showed up. 

    Later, I dropped a lady off downtown, and she had a fit because I refused to illegally drop her off on a bus only street "like all the other drivers."  1* for me, and 1* for her with a detailed message to Lyft explaining the circumstances.   There's little doubt that if I got a ticket, she'd complain to Uber/Lyft that I dropped them off in an unsafe area and demand a refund.  (and Uber/Lyft would refund their fare for it without investigating my side) 

    So frustrating.

  • Passenger rating and pickup location.  If you have a rating below 4.7 or if you want to be picked up in a "dangerous" neighborhood, don't expect me to risk my life for your $3 ride. 

  • Just curious, why do people always assume that rideshare drivers are scammers? 

    Sure some longhaul, or file for false cleaning fees, but the vast majority of us are honest and hard working individuals.  I'd claim that the percentage of bad passengers far exceeds the percentage of bad drivers, because many drivers rely on rideshare to support their families.  Passengers main motivation is to save money, and many/most have no problem stabbing their driver in the back if they can save four bucks in a ride refund. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  My Phlatbed Driver was Transgender, and She was AWESOME!

    I don't get what the problem is.  If their appearance changes, why the hell don't they update the photo on file?  Why all the extra drama?  Is everyone else supposed to change because they can't be bothered to update necessary information?

  • Uber and Lyft are NOT moving vans.  They're designed to transport people, and drivers lose money when they're sitting idle  loading/unloading (less than 20 cents per minute).  Not all drivers are young men, and some/many of us are women, some of whom are disabled and can't move you with jepoardizing our health and safety. 

    Beyond that, most Uber/Lyft vehicles are PASSENGER vehicles, and have max weights of 900 lbs. or less.   Overloading someones car to move is dangerous and can potentially harm a drivers car.  Need to move? Please use an appropriate moving service or just rent a U Haul.

  • As things currently stand, we see nothing except a user name and rating in order to gauge whether to pick you up.  Further, we're penalized if we don't pick people up.  Tell me, if you were driving and someone with the username "Parolee135" with a low rating wants a ride, wouldn't you want more information before allowing them inside your car?  As a woman driver, this can be a HUGE security issue and should be considered if Uber/Lyft want us to pick up people who could be un-screened violent criminals. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  ATTENTION VOTERS

    Why rely on Uber to find your polling place?  You should know that location already, since in most states you already need to be registered ahead of time.

    Also worth noting, while the ride to the polls may be "free," the ride home isn't. 

    Overall, this is a horrible deal for drivers, who will encounter the cheapest of cheap passengers, and risk their ratings in the process.  I'm glad I'm in Washington State, where all voting is via mail, so no polling places anymore. 

  • The viaduct is scheduled to close on Jan 11, and traffic in the city is going to be a nightmare.  Considering what a large percentage of city traffic is rideshare drivers, the options are to either limit the number of rideshare drivers in the city, or toll the general polulation in the city to discourage everyone from driving. 

    Uber doesn't want NYC type driver limitations, so the only other solution is to make the rest of the city pay for their oversaturation. Why else do you think Uber has pushed driver oversaturation to such ridiculous levels in the last few months?  They ran out of time recruiting drivers in NYC.  They're starting their recruiting efforts early in Seattle. 

    In the end Uber will have 5 ants per city block earning peanuts, the city will make money off of the thousands of ants driving, and everyone except Uber will get screwed.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Phone Number Change

    Sounds like you're going to have to stop by a local greenlight hub and talk to someone in person. 

  • Uber isn't to blame, the parents are.  People need to take responsibility for their own kids safety and drive them rather than pawn that responsibility off to Uber for $10.

  • I'm not trained in the administration of these things, nor am I willing to accept the liability for such. 

    If a person needs help I'll call 911 and let someone trained render competent assistance.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Never ending Phone Mounts

    Mine is no longer sold on Amazon, but it's similar to this one:

    It works great as long as you don't need to play CDs. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  How can I specify a female driver?

    If you're so demanding on route, etc and hyper critical of others driving skills, might I ask why you don't just drive yourself? 

    We're drivers, not slaves.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Never ending Phone Mounts

    I use a magnetic CD slot mount for my 10.1" Samsung Galaxy Tab.  Holds like a champ, doesn't sag, and has never fallen off even after running over potholes that almost swallow my car. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Lyft is winning the "diversity game"

    Lyft "diversity" hiring is like Uber "diversity" hiring...  Lipstick on a pig for show and marketing only. 

  • Trade dress is required, not a Lyft amp or Uber beacon. 

  • Many of those "starving" drivers don't care to promote the companies that rip us off.  It may not be much. but it's some extra cash to make up for the losses we take. 

    Uber beacon and Lyft amp are the calling cards of rideshare noobs. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  How do you feel about driving underage passengers?

    No solo minors.  EVER. 

  • Many/most riders are cheapskates, and will use any reason to avoid tipping rideshare drivers.  If we put up a sign they're "offended" and don't tip.  If we don't put up a sign they convieniently "forget" and don't tip.  One thing is sure, though... if they go out to a restaurant to eat, the wait staff that gets an hourly salary, have no business expenses and carries their meal 30 feet to their table will get tipped almost 100% of the time because "it's customary."

    Your driver pays for the car that transports you to work, or home from an expensive drunk night out;

    Your driver pay to insure that vehicle;

    Your driver pays for the gas necessary to transport you to your destination;

    Your driver does ALL of the above, and is responsible not for transporting your food, but for transporting YOU to where you need to go, but most ungrateful passengers don't care.

    If they don't want to tip that's fine.  Drivers will quit, and ultimately they can go back to waiting for the bus in the snow, or risking a DUI, or waiting an hour for a filthy taxi to transport them for twice the price.  (and the taxi driver gets tipped because that's customary too!) 

    If they're upset by my sign, they don't have to tip, but you can bet that their passenger rating will tank from the driver 1* ratings they receive. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago in  Can I see and accept pre-scheduled trips?

    You could, but I never do.  The ones I see are usually an hour out which would prevent me from doing other runs, and the payout is often under $10.  Sooo not worth it.