John (johnblotter)
Ride Apprentice
97 Rider DriverActivity
Posts by johnblotter
Not able to cash out??
Still cannot cash out Uber pay from yesterday. Anyone else?? -
What happens if a rider refuses to get out of your car?
Never had this happen to me, but just curious what you all would do. -
Drivers - Have you ever colluded with other drivers to drive up surge pricing?
I keep seeing articles like this one stating how common this is but I have never heard of it within … -
Buy Uber Black spots off other drivers?
How long has this been a thing for? I have recently see a few mentions of drivers buying (usually for … -
Has anyone else on here just completely stopped caring about their rating?
I stopped stressing over my rating and am so much happier now. Still doing well with a 4.88 -
Passenger refused a ride with a dash cam.
Got a 40+ pick up notification yesterday and the passenger even texted to confirm that I would take them all … -
Just got a $50 tip!!
Passenger on business trip wanted me to stop at chipotle and said he would tip extra. Stopped for 5 quick … -
According to Quartz, Uber drivers make just about the same amount as minimum wage workers
Quartz is estimating that driver pay is fairly low, right around minimum wage jobs. I think this is fairly accurate. … -
Uber Promo Code fails on St. Paddys Day
Apparently, Uber gave out a promo code in Indianapolis to help get riders home safely on St. Paddys Day but … -
Can I split my Uber fare into two credit cards (both mine)?
Can I request UberX but be the only passenger?
I do both services at the same time and it works out well for me. Though I would prefer driving just passengers as food smells up my car and I just don't like dealing with other people food. Plus my passengers are nice and it's fun to have the company.
I don't, but I agree I am sick and tired of Uber making us enforce their rules.
This is tough. In a normal world I would say that you should expect some big surges at the theme parks during this holiday week but with Covid everything is up in the air. Perhaps not many people will be at the parks (we know they are already restricting the number of visitors) so there may not be any surge pricing. On the flip side, if covid gets worse some drivers may choose to not drive again leaving room for more surge pricing.
Have you also factored in parking costs at Disney? Are you staying on property or off? How often will you need a vehicle? Will you need car seats?
While Uber does suggest to it's drivers that they should be helping handicapped passengers in and out of the vehicle it is not mandatory. See here. If you feel uncomfortable, simply tell your rider that they need to request another vehicle.
spot on. Though why anyone would want to start driving now a days is beyond me. Starting to think blue collar work is the way to go. Good salary, no college debt.
What happens if the passenger does not report it to Uber?
There is a lot of strange people out there I am sure it happens...
I think my worst shift ever netted me only around $140 for a full day.
Thanks for your comment. I drive in Albany NY, maybe our places are just not big enough hubs for this kind of thing to happen. So interesting how a few years back Uber didn't exist and now it is a whole culture. Ill check out that Dustin is Driving video. Thanks for the tip.
Oh good point regarding being restricted to use other platforms.
As hard as it is I agree with the "the customer is always right approach". It is so hard to bite your tongue and admit fault when that is not the case but I have only had grumpy customers change their attitude when I have killed them with kindness
I did 15,326 miles last year.
Ugh GREEN PUKE! I think I will pass on driving this Sunday...
following. would love more info on owning a prius.
what! how?!
I've never used that phrasing before but so often people want my advice. I don't mind chatting but sometimes some heavy stuff comes up and I don't feel comfortable giving advice. It is those moments where I feel like saying "Hey I am just an Uber driver..."
what about a loyalty program for drivers... 😒
The media loves making Uber drivers the bad guys, glad to see they are sharing both sides of the story. I have had my fare number of crazy passengers.
Not surprising, any driver can tell you this is true.
Hate it. hides the surge. Hides the boost. Crashes often. Uber is going downhill