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Rideshare insurance, why do drivers need it?

{{ ratingSum }}
1026 Rider Guru
 Posted 6 years, 2 months ago

Rideshare insurance from Uber and Lyft has major gaps that could leave you facing a huge financial crisis. Rideshare insurance coverage only applies after you have accepted a ride request, it will not cover you while you wait for a ride. If you happen to get in an accident during this period of time, chances are neither Uber/Lyft nor your personal insurance carrier would cover you.
Not only is your personal insurance unlikely to cover any incidents while your rideshare drivers app is on, you could even find yourself with a completely cancelled policy if you haven't disclosed your side hustle to your carrier.
Not all insurance companies offer rideshare insurance policies. If yours doesn’t, it’s time to look elsewhere, who knows you may even find a better rate! Let’s get a chain going to see which rideshare insurance carriers we all use and please share feedback on whether or not you are happy with your provider.

Find Rideshare Insurance.

More information.


    {{ ratingSum }}
    29 Rider Driver
     1 year ago

    I have Encompass Insurance and have driven for Uber, Lyft and DoorDash extensively during the past five years (though not since December 2023). I added a new vehicle recently and had a conversation with my agent about my driving for these gig companies. She sounded very concerned and said they did not cover me while doing gig economy driving.

    So I researched what the gig companies offered. I concluded DoorDash's coverage was inadequate, but it sounded like I was covered with Uber while driving for them. I copied the policy details and sent it back to Encompass.

    Their response was that they would not cover me AT ALL (even when I was driving for personal purposes, and not for a gig company) if I drove at any time during my coverage period for one of the gig companies. In other words, even when driving for personal purposes only, I still wouldn't be covered!

    This came as quite a shock. I realize I could try and seek coverage with another company (Allstate?) but I otherwise have appr…


    I have Encompass Insurance and have driven for Uber, Lyft and DoorDash extensively during the past five years (though not since December 2023). I added a new vehicle recently and had a conversation with my agent about my driving for these gig companies. She sounded very concerned and said they did not cover me while doing gig economy driving.

    So I researched what the gig companies offered. I concluded DoorDash's coverage was inadequate, but it sounded like I was covered with Uber while driving for them. I copied the policy details and sent it back to Encompass.

    Their response was that they would not cover me AT ALL (even when I was driving for personal purposes, and not for a gig company) if I drove at any time during my coverage period for one of the gig companies. In other words, even when driving for personal purposes only, I still wouldn't be covered!

    This came as quite a shock. I realize I could try and seek coverage with another company (Allstate?) but I otherwise have appreciated and enjoyed my long history of coverage with Encompass, which costs less.

    So I've made the (sad) decision to no longer drive with any of the gig companies, so as not to lose my coverage.

    I thought others who, like me, assumed that they were covered, should be made aware of this. Check things out and talk them over thoroughly with your insurance company!

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    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago

    ALWAYS GET RIDESHARE INSURANCE. Or else this will happen.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    810 Driver
     6 years ago


    I use Erie

    Few months back I wrote a post on a similar subject and also included in that post a link to accident checklist which may be very useful in a stressful moment

    If you want to read it, just click on my name in this post, which should take you to my profile page where you will find a my post titled “

    Rideshare Insurance for Drivers”

    {{ ratingSum }}
    203 Driver
     6 years ago

    Allstate, at no extra charge 😁 

    Show Hide  1 Reply
    {{ ratingSum }}
    40 Rider
     6 years ago

    Just read this article today of a women who is now out 28k because of Lyft's shoddy coverage.


    {{ ratingSum }}
    127 Driver
     6 years ago

    Anyone try Geico, Im at like $79 per month total with rideshare protection.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago

    I don't drive anymore but when I did I tried esurance and they tried to jack my rate by about $100 a month!!! ridiculous.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    2 Rider
     6 years ago

    State Farm. Easy. $17 extra per month. California.