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AUGUST 2019 Uber App Glitch affecting earnings, trips, cash out possibly in all cities.

{{ ratingSum }}
8198 Rider Driver
 Posted 5 years, 7 months ago

Trips are missing, earrings are delayed, and unable to cash out. I had a trip this morning that is not showing at all. I did get a $15.07 tip a few hours after the trip. I can see it and it says I can cash out but if you look under the amount it says "payment 8/18". If your able to cash out you may want to check with Uber to see if you will receive it as quickly as you normally do. Last time this happened on the app I had cashed out and my $ was floating somewhere in Uberland, cyber space, or Dara's bank account for 5 days. I did speak with Uber CS and got the usually "our team is working on this and we hope to have this fixed shortly". In some cities this is the 3rd day. 

I did 1 trip today all I see is my tip. Drove for Lyft after this mess. 


    {{ ratingSum }}
    756 Rider Guru
     5 years ago

    Yikes. At least it sounds like Uber is aware of the problem. I wonder how widespread it is.

    Show Hide  1 Reply
      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 8198 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      It was many cities all over the US. Mine was fixed last night. It all started Saturday night but mine didnt ladt long and was able to cash out. I am still missing a 2.5X surge on a 42.00 trip though. Think I am going to have to call them bevause they are not answering my messages. Thankfully I screenshoted .everything. Been screwed out of tolls, fares, surges, so now I screenshot everything save it for 10 days.