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Unbelievable! My Uber rider thought we were still not able to accept tips. WTH?

{{ ratingSum }}
8198 Rider Driver
 Posted 5 years, 8 months ago

Any drivers have any passengers in past 18 mths who still thinks you are not supposed to tip driver? 

Picked up a 64 yr old guy and grandson 2 nights ago for a 60 min trip on Uber. Had a nice conversation on our ride. We get to his house and I get out to open back up to get his luggage out. He says, "I know your not suppose to tip but I really want you to have this" and hands me 10.00. I was shocked, had he not taken an Uber in 2yrs? I said thank you and we are able to accept tips now. At this time the 8yr old comes over and hands me 3.00 and says, "I want you to have this". I look at grandpop to help me. I didnt want to take the kids money. Grandpop asked him "are you sure" the kid replied, "yes I want to give it to her". I was uncomfortable with that but you dont want to hurt the kids feelings. I was speechless what do you say (as most of you know I am never speechless. I always have something very long to say:)? It was his idea and grandpop double checked with him. Still its a  8 yr old. Talk about awkward. I thanked him but just wanted to get out of there. So damn awkward!!! Child is being raised properly though. Sad that an 8 yr old knows more than most adults. More generous than most adults. He was a sweet kid. Although I think he may have ate 1/2 the candy in the backseat. Grandpop was upfront with me so he had free rein.  I swore I had a decent amount of starburst, mints, and whatever else was mixed in. Although my kids may have gotten into it before I left.  


    {{ ratingSum }}
    1300 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    Lyft pax tip twice as much as uber pax do, what's the reason? They've had tipping from the first day on. Also it's a lot easier to tip on the Lyft pax app than Uber.

    Show Hide  4 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
       5 years ago

      What a strong argument and potentially a proof that it’s the education and expectation setting. Fascinating.  

        {{ ratingSum }}
        1300 Rider Driver
         5 years ago

        Exactly a lot of riders have not been in a cab but for the ones that have been in a cab how many times have you been in a cab and walk out without tipping your driver it's social etiquette it's a small show of gratitude for a job well done that's all there is to it

          {{ ratingSum }}
          OP 8198 Rider Driver
           5 years ago

          On an average day I get more tips from my Uber passengers usually 20%. I've been getting less & less cash tips but definately seeing more tips through the app.  Lyft passengers typically tip in the app & usually in whole $ amts ($2 to $5) or 20%. Since Dec. 31, 2018 I have received a tip everyday except 1. It's rare every passenger tips but the past 8 days I had 5 days where all but 1 passenger tipped. 

            {{ ratingSum }}
            1300 Rider Driver
             5 years ago

            WOW, you have to be tip champion for U/L, good going. If you're only driving regular Lyft of Uber x, you won't see those numbers. XL, Select, Lux, Black and SUV drivers get tipped a lot more often than a Prius driver. 

            Come out to Los Angeles and give it a go as an X driver, you'll see what I mean. 😆

    {{ ratingSum }}
    141 Rider
     5 years ago

    I don’t get how this is possible that the riders don’t know. I’m a frequent rider and when I complete a trip, I see the tip buttons displayed large and obnoxiously on the center of the screen. You would have to try hard to ignore or NOT tip. 

    I can’t remember at the moment, but out of the three circles (the suggested amounts), none are $0 or “No tip”, right? So the rider would have to go out of the way to NOT tip. 

    Show Hide  4 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
       5 years ago

      Not everyone is a frequent user like you. So when they take a ride, they don’t open the Uber app again, so they never see the tip screen.  

      The question is, does that tip screen come up if you open the app weeks later?  I’m thinking no?

        {{ ratingSum }}
        OP 8198 Rider Driver
         5 years ago

        If you go into my trips you able to tip the driver multiple times up to a month. Most people probably just open it to request a ride not to look at their trip history. Once ride is over they probably dont even look at it unless of course they want to complain about something:)  I would think riders would want to make sure driver ended trip and correct amount was charged. Guess they dont care to check either one. If they did they woukd see tip option. 

      {{ ratingSum }}
      1300 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      Another reason for not tipping is 90% of the Riders once they ordered their ride they don't look at the Uber app and one day leave the car there usually in a rush and it's forgotten that's also another reason Uber drivers get rated maybe in 3 out of 10 tips

      {{ ratingSum }}
      1300 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      This also has a lot to do with their pricing games Uber is playing these days such as charging the passenger surge amounts and not passing it to the driver so ride prices have gone up quite a bit over the last year or so meaning is the same ride year ago was twenty bucks now it's at 30 bucks the passengers are feeling more reluctant to tip

    {{ ratingSum }}
    1300 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    The pax were programmed under TK for six years not to tip, UBER even claimed the tip is included, now of course old habits are hard to break. These are the same people that give the valet 5 bucks for them to bring their car to them or tip their bartender to pop their beer. Go figure, we have their lives at hand but we don't get tipped. 

    How About mandatory 10% tipping to start with?

    {{ ratingSum }}
    259 Driver
     5 years ago

    I have gone 18 riders in a row without being tipped once. That’s my longest streak. Not proud. 

    Show Hide  7 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
      324 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      I had a repeater I drove over 20 times and not once he tipped. I started to mention about tipping but he never did. 

      You know what’s funny?  I think the riders don’t know whether they’ve tipped or not. Maybe that’s the problem? 

        {{ ratingSum }}
        1300 Rider Driver
         5 years ago

        They Don't Know About Us social etiquette it's a small reward for a job well done they tip the waitress they tip the valet they tip the bartender for god sakes they even tip the doorman in Vegas why can't they tip their driver

          {{ ratingSum }}
          324 Rider Driver
           5 years ago

          I totally mistyped my previous message.  What I meant to type was:

          Maybe the riders don't know that drivers know that they tipped. That's the only explanation this dude never tipped even after some conversations. 

            {{ ratingSum }}
            1300 Rider Driver
             5 years ago

            Riders don't know if the driver knows, driver only knows if it shows up on the app. Sometimes, I've gotten tips two weeks after a ride, seems late but better than never.

      {{ ratingSum }}
      1300 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      You have to be careful Uber sometimes doesn't pass the tips on I can't prove it but sometimes I see passengers tipping in front of me and the kid never shows up who says they're not stealing the tips

        {{ ratingSum }}
        259 Driver
         5 years ago

        You know, I have noticed this myself, but I always figured it may not show up until later.

          {{ ratingSum }}
          1300 Rider Driver
           5 years ago

          I've had pax tip in front of me and it doesn't show up, I can't prove it because I can't force the pax send me a screenshot. It is what it is, make tipping mandatory. 😆

    {{ ratingSum }}
    107 Driver
     5 years ago

    60 minute trip - sweet! What was your take home?

    Show Hide  1 Reply
      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 8198 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      $79.06  $13.00 tip

    {{ ratingSum }}
    1026 Rider Guru
     5 years ago

    My 9 year old nephew once gave me his favorite Harry Potter lego book for my 25th birthday. It was so sweet and he was so excited to give me a present (I love harry potter) but I just felt so bad taking it from him!! It is really hard to be in those types of situations with kids.

    Show Hide  2 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 8198 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      Thanks Lilly. Makes me feel somewhat better. I knew that he was trying to do something nice or wanting to be like grandpop. He specifically said "here I want you to have this". It may have hurt the kids feelings to say no you cant accept it. I was speechless (that never happens:) I looked to grandpop for help. Grandpop said, "its your money are you sure". The kid replied, "yes I want her to have it". However it was super awkward taking the money. I hope that doesnt happen again:)

        {{ ratingSum }}
        1026 Rider Guru
         5 years ago

        Yes exactly! I bet the kid felt proud though :)

    {{ ratingSum }}
    599 Rider
     5 years ago

    Sweet kid. He'll go places.

    Show Hide  1 Reply
      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 8198 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      He was a very sweet, well mannered kid. It still was really awkward:)

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    Obviously the grandpop was a first time Uber user. He has never seen the tip screen. We aren't even sure if it was the 8-year old who actually ordered you. haha

    Good family. Not knowing is totally okay and acceptable. It's the thought and gesture that matters. It's obviously instilled in these two.  

    Thanks for the sweet story.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    205 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    All. The. Time. It seems to me most riders still don't know they are supposed to tip now. Uber made such a big deal of not tipping at the beginning and it stuck.

    Show Hide  3 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 8198 Rider Driver
       5 years ago  (edited 5 years ago)

      This is the first passenger that has said this to me or brought it up. I had a few when I first started but havent had anyone in over 18 mths. 

        {{ ratingSum }}
         5 years ago

        I honestly don’t get it still. And how can it be Uber’s fault. The tip button is hugely displayed and it is right in your face when you open the app next. You almost cannot avoid it. It’s the stars and three large circle buttons. 

        What else can Uber do?

          {{ ratingSum }}
          1300 Rider Driver
           5 years ago

          These are the same people that tip their bartender there ballet the doorman in Vegas the waitress why is it so difficult for people to tip their Uber drivers that's because they have been program for 6 years and they've been told that tip is included by Travis

    {{ ratingSum }}
    OP 8198 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    I am the last person to defend Uber. Let's face it Uber doesnt do much for anyone to want to defend them. They have been shady since the beginning and in some instances an awful company (data breaches, ordering Lyft's & then cancelling them, sexist, and the list goes on. I know many drivers blame Uber for the lack of tipping by riders. I believe Uber may have caused & maybe still cause a few riders not to tip. However Uber has allowed tipping for a little over 2 yrs now. In the 2 yrs I've been driving I've only ever heard 2 riders think that tipping wasnt allowed. It is in many articles, forums, you tube videos, etc... Drivers talk about it all the time, its on signs in some drivers cars, there are tipping jars, buckets, in other drivers cars. I have only used Uber once and yes I tipped driver 10.00 cash & gave him 5 stars for a 10 min ride.  Even though he drove me past my destination & didnt understand English for me to explain we passed my desti…


    I am the last person to defend Uber. Let's face it Uber doesnt do much for anyone to want to defend them. They have been shady since the beginning and in some instances an awful company (data breaches, ordering Lyft's & then cancelling them, sexist, and the list goes on. I know many drivers blame Uber for the lack of tipping by riders. I believe Uber may have caused & maybe still cause a few riders not to tip. However Uber has allowed tipping for a little over 2 yrs now. In the 2 yrs I've been driving I've only ever heard 2 riders think that tipping wasnt allowed. It is in many articles, forums, you tube videos, etc... Drivers talk about it all the time, its on signs in some drivers cars, there are tipping jars, buckets, in other drivers cars. I have only used Uber once and yes I tipped driver 10.00 cash & gave him 5 stars for a 10 min ride.  Even though he drove me past my destination & didnt understand English for me to explain we passed my destination. He got me there safely, car was clean, and he was polite. He didnt ruin my day by passing my destination by 2 blocks and it wasnt the end of the world. Can you imagine if every person who took Uber or Lyft was judged on how well they did their job by people giving them stars? Can you imagine those people being fired simply because someone was in a pissy mood or just felt like they wanted something for free so they made up some BS story? Your job would be more annoying more stressful and just an awful place to be. Ok got off the tipping part sorry. I did order about 8 Ubers for my daughter in law and 1 for my daughter on my account. I just want to mention I threatened them with bodily harm if they got less than 5 stars on my rider account. When the ride is over those 5 stars pop up and ask rider to rate driver. As soon as you rate the tipping option pops up. Not only does it pop up nice & big but in bright royal blue next to the list of trips the rider has taken is the option to tip for 1 MONTH after the ride. There is also an option to tip again. I have tried it up to 3X. All 3X driver received that tip. Sorry but didnt feel the need to put any more money out:) Driver probably thought I was crazy but didnt mind getting 3 tips. With that being said there may be 10% of riders who still think there is no need to tip. The rest either tip, feel the driver dont deserve it, dont tip anyine at all no matter what, visiting from another country, or are just cheap. Uber makes it plain as day for 1 month to be able to tip driver. Dont let riders make you think otherwise. I think my grandpop probably wasnt a frequent Uber rider. Just my opinion. You all know I have many:) 😊 

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    {{ ratingSum }}
    127 Driver
     5 years ago

    What percentage of riders would you say tip you now?

    Show Hide  4 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 8198 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      30/40% average. I get at least 1 day out of a 5 day week that I get 50/60%. Last week.had 2 days all but 1 rider tipped. Since Dec 31, 2018 I have 1 day where I received no tips but only had 2 riders (long trips)that day. Most will tip 20%. Once in awhile I get $10/$20 cash. I used to get more cash tips but seens like most people are tipping in the app. I have no complaints about that but me personally I tip cash. If I order dinner & use my card  I try to always make sure I have cash. In a resturant if I use my card I try to always bring cash. Why let Uncle Sam take your $ or have the waiter/delivery person lose money to taxes. Government gets enough of our hard earned $. I know putting tip on your card is easier and more convenient but I prefer giving cash. I have my card on me at all times but never leave home without some cash on me.

      {{ ratingSum }}
      1300 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      Lyft platform about 3-4 out of 10, UBER platform 1-2 out of 10 max.

        {{ ratingSum }}
        127 Driver
         5 years ago

        What is your thoughts on why Lyft pax tip more often?

          {{ ratingSum }}
          1300 Rider Driver
           5 years ago

          That's because I think tipping was part of the app from its inception, pax are used to it. Uber started middle of 2017 after 5 years of no tipping policy.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    82 Rider
     5 years ago

    Aw what a sweet kid. I am sure he felt so good giving you that money, it feels good to do good :) What a great lesson for him.

    I still remember the first time I put my own money in the little charity jar at the grocery store as a kid!

    {{ ratingSum }}
     5 years ago

    Do you support 4 kids by rideshare driving? If so, how? Sorry to be nosy but I am just genuinely interested in how you make ends meet - it is a struggle for me!

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 8198 Rider Driver
       5 years ago  (edited 5 years ago)

      I still get child support for 1 child. Just stopped getting support for the other one when he turned 18 yrs old. 2 are grown and out of the house. My house is paid off. Taxes aren't bad. If my kids were young there is no way I could survive on driving. I have private riders and private patients I take care of. I also know my market well, always trying new things, sometimes new areas. I stick with mostly long trips. My SUV is old but in good shape. Its paid for and luckily other than tires and brakes its been good.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    135 Rider
     5 years ago

    Sadly, I think this is still somewhat normal. Of course, more people understand now that you can and should tip but Uber really did damage in their early days and many people still have this notion that you are not supposed to tip. I think some, like this grandpa, truly do not know that things have changed but I think others like to feign ignorance just so they feel better about not tipping...

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      1300 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      I wish I got a dollar for every time I heard, I'll tip you in the app. 😆