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Be careful drivers, there's a new Uber scam, don't fall for it!

{{ ratingSum }}
1300 Rider Driver
 Posted 5 years, 7 months ago

Don't fall for it, it could ruin your month until Uber reimburses you.



    {{ ratingSum }}
    756 Rider Guru
     5 years ago

    Simple rule: if someone contacts you out of the blue, whether through a phone call or email or txt message, don't give them any sensitive information or take any action with regard to your account with them. Doesn't matter if they say they are Uber, or the cops, or the IRS, or that you're being sued for a billion dollars. It's probably a scam. If you are unsure, ask for a name and a call back number. Then you can hang up and take your time to think about it before doing something rash.

    They will try to scare you. Don't buy it.

    It is important to think about this before it happens. Anyone can be fooled under the right circumstances. When you get a phone call like this at a vulnerable time it can be tempting to just go along with it. After all you have a million other things to worry about. Don't.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      8198 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      What I dont get is most of these scams involve Uber giving you something. That is first sign something isnt right. The IRS and a few other scams ask you to buy gift cards. Why in the hell would they ask you to buy gift cards to pay off a tax debt or anything else? Google play cards and I Tunes, thats the most rediculous thing I ever heard. That is what makes me wonder how these people fall for these scams. Not only that the IRS would know your address or at least know where to find you. If there was a warrant out they wouldnt call you and tell you that. These scams are all over the internet. You tubers scam the scammers. How do people not see these things? I kind of understand the elderly falling for it in some instances but still never give out info and look into before you pay out. Good tips Chris. I never answer a call unless I recognize the number. If its important they will leave a message. T Mobile also has "scam likely" if its those robo calls there system picks it up…


      What I dont get is most of these scams involve Uber giving you something. That is first sign something isnt right. The IRS and a few other scams ask you to buy gift cards. Why in the hell would they ask you to buy gift cards to pay off a tax debt or anything else? Google play cards and I Tunes, thats the most rediculous thing I ever heard. That is what makes me wonder how these people fall for these scams. Not only that the IRS would know your address or at least know where to find you. If there was a warrant out they wouldnt call you and tell you that. These scams are all over the internet. You tubers scam the scammers. How do people not see these things? I kind of understand the elderly falling for it in some instances but still never give out info and look into before you pay out. Good tips Chris. I never answer a call unless I recognize the number. If its important they will leave a message. T Mobile also has "scam likely" if its those robo calls there system picks it up and caller ID says "scam likely". It's rare anymore I get those calls as T Mobile has added other protection to intercept calls before we get them. 

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    {{ ratingSum }}
    205 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    I think most Uber drivers would be smart enough to avoid this. Usually these types of scams try to prey on the people like the elderly who are not hip to the ways of the 21st century.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 1300 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      You'd be surprised hiw many Uber drivers fall for it, especially the newbies.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    275 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    I have heard of this type of scam before where someone calls you pretending to be Uber. Uber would never do that so don't ever give out your credentials!!

    {{ ratingSum }}
    8198 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    At least this man didnt fall for it. So many others would. Like Uber would do anything nice for you. Thst would've been my first clue. Unfortunately there will be people who fall for it. I had 2 separate callers at different times call me saying they were from Uber. They one cslled me 7X in a 15 min period with rider in car. Rider asked if I needed to answer as it seemed important. I ignored the calls. After dropping off rider I had 4 voicemails from the caller claiming to be from Uber to address an issue. Said he would follow up with email. No email and no number to call him back. Uber claims no one called me. Of course they didnt seem to care. Would make a note on my account. The other one same thing only he called once. They are getting our info from somewhere. Didnt Uber have a data breach a few years back? Maybe our info was sold who knows. 

    Show Hide  4 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 1300 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      Uber was hacked in 2017, millions of drivers and passenger's info was compromised, that's where these scammers are getting the driver phone numbers. 

        {{ ratingSum }}
        8198 Rider Driver
         5 years ago

        Was Uber sued for the breach? Capital One just reported a breach from back in March, 4 mths ago. Just coming out now. Iver 100M credit applications dating back to 2005. People's credit limit, social security numbers, everything. Capitol One saying "they doubt any of the info was used". Happy they can make that assumption. They did get the guy that did it though. Still he just sat on the info for months and did nothing with it. BS! They will pay out the class action suit that will surely happen, offer some free credit protection, and move on without  care in the world. Meanwhile we are left to deal with the fall out. Technology is great but it leaves us open for all of our personal info to fall in the wrong hands.  

          {{ ratingSum }}
          OP 1300 Rider Driver
           5 years ago

          Yes, they settled of course by issuing free one year membership to Experian credit alert. If you didn't get a letter from them, you should be fine. The hack happened early 2017 and was reported late 2017. Not sure if you've been driving then.

            {{ ratingSum }}
            8198 Rider Driver
             5 years ago

            No I am good it was before I started.  I remember reading simething just couldnt remember when it happened and if they got sued. I got entered into a class action suit against them for sending text. I got notified and a year later got a 125.00 check in the mail.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    236 Rider Driver
     5 years ago

    Ok anyone who falls for this deserves it. Seriously you have to be pretty stupid to change where your checks go to some random person who calls you.

    He says before he could reach the rider, he got a call from what he thought was Uber customer support.

    "It sounded like a call center," said Benjamin.

    The caller on the phone told him the rider he was about to pick up needed to cancel their ride, but couldn't do it themselves. So, the caller said Benjamin needed to do it for them. They then told him that he was going to get a week of free gas for the troubles.

    In order to get the free gas, Beckham was told he needed to replace his bank account information with the one they were providing him with.

    "As soon as he told me to replace my payment information, I was like wait this is how I get paid," said Beckham.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 1300 Rider Driver
       5 years ago

      Remember Forest Gump? Stupid is Stupid does! 

      {{ ratingSum }}
       5 years ago

      That is my first thought too, but I know smart people who have fallen for similar things like this. Usually it is when it happens at a bad time. I had a friend who fell for an ebay phishing scam email. It just so happened to come right when he was about to close out an auction for something important, so he freaked out and clicked the link in the email and filled in his username/pw so he wouldn't miss the end of the auction. Then he immediately realized what an idiot he was but it was too late.

      Anyways point is it can happen to anyone under the right circumstances. Gotta be vigilant.

        {{ ratingSum }}
        8198 Rider Driver
         5 years ago

        Unfortunately as vigilant as we are most companies dont do enough to protect our information. The information then gets sold. I've been involved in 5 data breaches in past year. One email address compromised and 2 passwords. One password isn't even mine so who knows who used my info. An old paypal I had was hacked and language was changed. I cant even read wth it says. Thankfully it had an old bank account, address, and last name attached to it. Until these companies protect our info better we are somewhat screwed. The companies the breaches happened at were not small companies. Experian, Quest Diagnostics (lab where they run your blood work), Quora, and I cant even remember the others. I just got a notice from Credit Karma about 5 other breaches I still have to look into. Its a good thing I've lost my mac card 3X in past year, my number keeps changing with new card:) After I get new card I find the old one. Lol