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Eighty-seven, and left by the side of the road by Uber [Boston Globe]

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205 Rider Driver
 Posted 6 years, 3 months ago

Not cool, not cool at all. Basic human decency comes into play here as a driver.

She and her husband are both 87. But that didn’t stop the driver — in an action undisputed by either party— from asking them to leave his car in the middle of their journey home.



    {{ ratingSum }}
    1602 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    Admittedly there are two sides to every story - NO DOUBT - but with that said, there is absolutely NO WAY I would ever put anyone out of my car unless they threatened me physically in some way such as brandishing a weapon etc...

    This was inhumane, rude, and a horrific example of what we should portray as Uber/Lyft drivers, and IMO opinion, probably should never be allowed to transport customers again.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      422 Rider Driver
       6 years ago

      I totally agree. Aside from the sheer lack of professionalism, when you kick someone out, you could be putting them in serious danger, depending on where you are. There better be a damn good reason to do it.

      You have to have thick skin in this business. Rude behavior or someone dictating the route like this can't get to you. You gotta roll with it even when you are having a bad day, that's what makes a professional.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    8198 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    I've had riders tell me I was going the long way and redirect me. If the rider tells me a better way I follow their directions. I've never ended up taking a longer route from their directions. I also had people back seat drive although annoying I just tune them out. Sometimes the GPS has you going in circles, takes you off a road only to put you back on same road, or gives you directions that are just plain wrong. I am sure this woman knew their route home. Older people are set in their ways and dont deal with change well. As a driver would it be the worst thing ever to oblige and follow her directions? So you lose 3 min deal with it. I have countless riders tell me how their last driver will not let them give directions when driver is taking longer route. If a rider is headed home or work a route they have taken for years they probably know the best way. Drivers need to be more understanding and have patience. You are dealing with the public. I've had a few difficult annoying riders …


    I've had riders tell me I was going the long way and redirect me. If the rider tells me a better way I follow their directions. I've never ended up taking a longer route from their directions. I also had people back seat drive although annoying I just tune them out. Sometimes the GPS has you going in circles, takes you off a road only to put you back on same road, or gives you directions that are just plain wrong. I am sure this woman knew their route home. Older people are set in their ways and dont deal with change well. As a driver would it be the worst thing ever to oblige and follow her directions? So you lose 3 min deal with it. I have countless riders tell me how their last driver will not let them give directions when driver is taking longer route. If a rider is headed home or work a route they have taken for years they probably know the best way. Drivers need to be more understanding and have patience. You are dealing with the public. I've had a few difficult annoying riders that I would love to toss out but its not the right thing to do. Obviously there are times when its justified but definately dont seem like it is here. Driver needs to learn how to have some patience especially with the elderly. Just another reason to have dash cam. Although I think dtiver would've lost on this instance



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    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago

    R E S P E C T your elders!! One day you will be in their shoes.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    756 Rider Guru
     6 years ago

    I would like to hear the driver's side of the story before making judgement. But, it does sound pretty bad.

    {{ ratingSum }}
     6 years ago

    All you guys are assuming this was a vulnerable frail 87 year old, but he could have been a large, strong brute.  I mean, this looks like a tough intimidating man.  

    "What happened next is a matter of dispute. The driver says Kayserman berated and threatened him. Kayserman dismisses the notion."

    I actually believe the driver in this case.  See, the age isn't the issue here.

    Show Hide  3 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
       6 years ago

      IDK, take a look at the picture in the article. Looks pretty frail to me...

        {{ ratingSum }}
         6 years ago

        I beg to differ. He looks pretty tough to me. 

          {{ ratingSum }}
          122 Rider
           6 years ago

          Maybe the strength is in his words. Rocks and sticks may break bones but words can break people’s hearts. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
    599 Rider
     6 years ago

    Sounds like this driver needs to not be a driver anymore, if you ask me.