For once it is Lyft and not Uber...
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For once it is Lyft and not Uber...
Ah, NY Post. I can't believe I used to read that crappy paper. (I lived in NYC. Hey, it has great entertainment value.) I mean...look at the three paragraph article and how it never goes into the details. I can't even tell what really happened.
In any case, there was obviously a huge dispute and a difference arose. For a driver to stab someone, he must have be threatened or the passenger wasn't leaving the vehicle or something like that. It's a paying customer. This became a personal dispute and a conflict. Can we stop trying to pin this on the fact that he was a Lyft driver. It gives the rest of us a bad name.
"Officer Robert Heims says the driver argued with three passengers after they were unable to give him a dropoff location early Sunday."
I love how everything these days is 'Lyft Driver does X" "Uber Driver does X". You never say "Businessman does X" or "teacher does X". Why do people tie everything back to being a driver?
This is why we need mental health reform. So many people just turn to knives and guns so fast! No one knows how to handle their anger.
Uber and Lyft really are the same company, same drivers, same problems, etc. Reporters jsut love to hate on Uber. This does not surprise me.
Just to be clear, this is Lyft not Uber. Maybe readers got bored clicking on Uber drivers did X, so writers turned to Lyft drivers did Y.