Lyft has new drivers reward program. Just another attempt to control drivers.
Posted 5 years, 5 months ago
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Angry Drivers
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Posted By
Monica Castleberry (momof4)

Ride Expert from Philadelphia PA
Mom & Nursing Student by day Ride Share Driver by night always on the go
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Anyone on this forum from Minneapolis? Can you confirm Lyft rate cut to 33 cents a mile?
Hope drivers dont fall for this! Drivers will end up working for free. Is there anything this company wont do to screw over drivers???
Lyft, No better than Uber just hides behind them. Cant keep drivers or riders safe but lets all worry about PRONOUNS! Are you serious?
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Riders, Uber and Lyft rates for trips will increase. Wall Street wants profits. Drivers do you expect rates to increase when fares are increased? Do you think driver tips are going to disappear once rider rates are increased?
Anyone on this forum from Minneapolis? Can you confirm Lyft rate cut to 33 cents a mile?
Hope drivers dont fall for this! Drivers will end up working for free. Is there anything this company wont do to screw over drivers???
Lyft, No better than Uber just hides behind them. Cant keep drivers or riders safe but lets all worry about PRONOUNS! Are you serious?
So Im just a rider but I honestly CANNOT keep track of all these wacky changes Uber and Lyft are constantly making. Like it is mad confusing! Why are they always switching everything up?
They try to control drivers by implementing these so called "rewards". They give us little perks then a few months later get rid of the good ones and leave us with the garbage. There is a price to pay to get those rewards and they benefit Uber and Lyft not the driver. Thankfully I never depend on them so when they take them away I am not losing anything.
Just like Uber comfort for riders. You can tell your driver ahead of time you dont want them to talk to you during the ride and you want the AC or heat on in the car. They are a slightly bigger car also. Of course they charge you for this. Driver dont make the extra $ just Uber. You can just order XL for more room, most drivers know to be quiet or will be quiet if you ask, same with AC and heat just ask.
Lyft's program just like Uber Pro was put out to control drivers. Both programs force drivers to keep a 90% acceptance rate, 4.85 or higher rating, and low cancel rate. I get the rating & even the low cancel however acceptance rate is BS. I have the same request especially on Lyft ping my phone 3/5X over a 20 min period. If I decline it once why keep sending it? Obviously I dont want it. Name can be fake, rating can be low, or they want me to travel 15/35 min just to pick up rider (BTW) not being paid at all to get to rider 30 min away. They can keep Uber Pro which they have taken away any decent perk it had & left us with BS. Lyft will do the same. I can only assume they do these things so new drivers think its great to drive for them. While all the drivers that have driven for 6 mths or more know all the BS they pull. Thats why neither company cares that they have new drivers all the time. Thats why service is on the decline. Decent, respectful drivers are getting …
Lyft's program just like Uber Pro was put out to control drivers. Both programs force drivers to keep a 90% acceptance rate, 4.85 or higher rating, and low cancel rate. I get the rating & even the low cancel however acceptance rate is BS. I have the same request especially on Lyft ping my phone 3/5X over a 20 min period. If I decline it once why keep sending it? Obviously I dont want it. Name can be fake, rating can be low, or they want me to travel 15/35 min just to pick up rider (BTW) not being paid at all to get to rider 30 min away. They can keep Uber Pro which they have taken away any decent perk it had & left us with BS. Lyft will do the same. I can only assume they do these things so new drivers think its great to drive for them. While all the drivers that have driven for 6 mths or more know all the BS they pull. Thats why neither company cares that they have new drivers all the time. Thats why service is on the decline. Decent, respectful drivers are getting harder & harder to find. The things my riders tell me about other drivers is absolutely ridiculous with some of the things they pull. Uber and Lyft were great ideas. Riders are hooked so they will continue to use these services. Just sucks that things went the way they did. These two companies have power/$ hungry CEO's that care nothing about the drivers. Riders are slightly above drivers because Uber & Lyft will believe them first in almost any situation. However they will rip riders off on their fares when they can get away with it. They do it all the time. Then they let the riders thinks the drivers are making all the $. Dara thinks our "society and the government should be responsible for drivers to make more $". Dara needs to Uber back to Iran where he came from and see if he would make his $46mil + there.
Standard mileage rates are .58 per mile. Lyft has managed to lower drivers rates in many markets below that .58. In FL new drivers can only drive for Lyft if their vehicle is a 2017or newer. Who in their right mind will sign up for Lyft? You can still make money if you drive for both Uber & Lyft, know your market, and have a plan each day. However it is getting more difficult as each week passes. With the rate decrease and having to have a newer vehicle I do not see how drivers can make $ on Lyft. So far my market hasn't been affected but I know it is coming. I know for many this has turned into their sole source of income for various reasons. It sucks that these drivers may end up out of work and nowhere to turn to. If Uber and Lyft would've just raised drivers rates and made riders sign up with valid ID most drivers would be content. So instead they take a bigger percentage, take away bonuse, quest, and lower surge or it doesn't exist at all. They are now spending millions of dollars to fight AB5 and that is just 1 state. They had to give into NYC also. What happens if every other state follows? Will Uber & Lyft survive? IMO Not likely. I dont think rideshare will disappear but you may be requesting companies other than the U and L. Beware, be prepared, & have a back up plan if possible. Uber & Lyft are definately getting bumpier and filling with major potholes if not sink holes.
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