Genius and easy way to boost your driver rating. Trouble finding that perfect tune, categorize them like this guy, i.e. per passenger generalization. Ha!
Passenger Specific Playlists - One way to boost your ratings.
Posted 6 years, 1 month ago
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I have play list set up on you tube red. I can use the following playlists or rider can choose whatever they want. Oldies 50, 60, 70's. My personal playlist that has a variety of 70's through present (mostly rock, metal, alternative, 80's rap and some Eminem. This seems to be most popular. Then I had my 21 yr old daughter make me a playlist (labeled update music), and one for one hit wonders. I dont have a country play list, mumble rap, or hard core rap. In 1750 rides only ever had 2 people ask for country and 2 riders ask for mumble rap (thankfully) on both as I would rather stick screwdrivers in my eardrum. I did however put it on for them. Playing good music or allowing rider to play theirs has helped me receive some decent tips. It is also a good topic for conversation.
"white dudes who look like they like rap." LOL.
There are some generalizations in there. Careful! Some passengers have real good eyes and peak at your phone. Don't wanna be calling them as wrong age or something