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 Posted 6 years, 11 months ago

I don't live in an area where taxi or uber is a big thing so I don't really know much about them. We will be traveling to Anaheim in July and I'm trying to figure out what is going to be more cost effective. Should we take a taxi, or Uber/Lyft from the airport to our hotel? There will be 4 of us plus our luggage. Thank you

The Guru Take


    {{ ratingSum }}
    756 Rider Guru
     6 years ago

    Uber or Lyft will be the cheapest rates, but you would probably need 2 cars to get four of you plus your luggage. In that case, you might find that a van taxi that could hold all of you would be cheaper than two ubers, since they are charged at normal taxi rates. Usually you can request one at the airport.