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Stop STEALING my iPhone charger cables!!

{{ ratingSum }}
560 Driver
 Posted 8 years, 3 months ago

You think I wouldn't notice?  It is totally messed up that you take my iphone cables.  Sure, your phone's battery is low...  Aren't I doing enough by havnig you charge it while in the car?

People really have no idea how many of my cables I got stolen.  I lost my own cables the apple brand first few times but now i just get the cheapo ebay brands.


    {{ ratingSum }}
    4 Rider
     8 years ago
    Show Hide  4 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
      1202 Rider Driver Guru
       8 years ago

      Another impulsive shopping for me.  Love the knitnacks on kickstarter.

      {{ ratingSum }}
      330 Rider
       8 years ago

      They do think of everything.  People that is.

        {{ ratingSum }}
        1149 Rider
         8 years ago

        Looks like it doesn't physically "lock" the cable. It just becomes disabled when people steal it. (per the pin)  So it discourages people from stealing it, I guess.

        Wouldn't the market have to be educated of such a feature first?  I'd think people would take this cable as it looks cool. They'd only know after they took it

          {{ ratingSum }}
          OP 560 Driver
           8 years ago

          Nah.  Maybe not at airports, but my riders would definitely know it'd be pin-coded, so they wouldn't take it.  that's good.  I'd imagine this would also prevent your friends from "accidentally" taking it too.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    447 Rider Driver Driver
     6 years ago

    Better yet have one for yourself and none for them.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 560 Driver
       6 years ago

      It's too late. If I hide it, they now ask. We all collectively set the expectation that we are a bunch of mobile phone charging stations.  

    {{ ratingSum }}
    223 Rider
     8 years ago

    Wait, this has really happened to u?! Don't u notice them unplugging the cable?

    This is why u always have to check the seat each time a rider leaves the vehicle!

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 560 Driver
       8 years ago

      Drivers usually are trained to do this anyways, not to see if your cable is gone but to see if the rider left anything.

      With that said, I have had my share of people leave stuff in the back of mine, so I guess I don't follow that procol well either.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    330 Rider
     8 years ago

    You know some of those "cheapo cables" can burn up a phone.  Taht's the last time I will use those cables on a uber.

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      398 Driver
       8 years ago

      Did not know this.