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Today on Uber Support: Driver refused a blind person and a guide dog...and then hits her with a cancellation fee
Posted 5 years, 10 months ago
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Stuffin Muffin (StuffinMuffin)

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I have taken over 1000 Uber rides. No, I am serious. Also a weekend driver.
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This shouldn't happen! WTH is wrong with these drivers? Trained service dogs do not cause big messes in your car.
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Uber ordered to pay $1.1 million after blind woman was denied rides more than a dozen times - CNN
This shouldn't happen! WTH is wrong with these drivers? Trained service dogs do not cause big messes in your car.
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I would never decline a blind person. With a seeing eye dog... although to be fair, if it was huge, that might be a problem. If it was dirty or musky, I carry towels and even a small tarp and might insist you let me lay them out for the dog to rest on. Perhaps Uber is weeding out better quality drivers by whiddling down our earnings and Stealing wages on the DM rides. The thought of having to shut down the app, and clean the car... could possibly excede the cost of the ride, but i doubt it... It is a shame. Sorry to hear she had to go through that... And then to be charged... some drivers have no shame. Hope it was an accident...
Seeing eye dogs or guide dogs are generally Golden Retrievers or Labradors. They aren't exactly small dogs but at least you know they won't be bigger than that.
Not many drivers are evil people. However, some dogs do affect us negatively and potentially hit our bottom line. Say having a wet dog in the car or having an allergic customer afterwards can read to negative star ratings.
That is disgusting. I know drivers are trying to make money but come on be a decent human being. I've taken a few services dog. One did get hair everywhere that took me time to get it all out. It took me 1.50 and 5 min to vacuum. The rider I had after was very allergic to dogs. Did it suck yes, I didnt make any money probably lost a ride. Thankfully my passenger was understanding even after she sneezed and her eyes watered her whole trip. However I did my good deed for the day, i wont get deactivated or in trouble for declining, and karma wont bite me in the ass for being a sucky human being:)
I’d like to think most people are decent understand if you explain the previous rider had a service dog. However, I’m sure that’s not true and some would complain
We are all in this together folks.