Have you encountered racial discrimination as an Uber or Lyft driver?
Posted 6 years, 7 months ago
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Shouldn't I make my driver cancel so I am not charged the cancellation fees? I feel like the drivers always ask me to cancel when he doesn't want to take me.
Driver saw me and drove away
My father was a driver, and he told me many such stories. And it's so sad to live in a world full of discrimination. And for me, it's hard to understand how people can discriminate against someone just because of race, skin color, or nationality. Some time ago, I wrote a uni paper on discrimination and found so many examples and real-life cases. I also found this page https://edubirdie.com/examples/discrimination/ with various examples on that topic, which helped me a lot with my writing. I also included info from my experience, and the paper turned out to be longer than I expected. But I hope that soon we will live in a world free from discrimination and stigmatization.
Well, my name is Syed, so yes. LOL.
I am 68 and disabled. on Aug 12 my friend gave me a ride to see my daughter. I had to take LYFT to get back home. As soon as I used the lyft app the driver was really close so I had to hurry and go down to my daughters parking lot to wait. I have my small terrier companion pet that my psychiatrist wrote a prescription for. I had been in a horrible roll over car accident and had severe brain injury. I suffer from anxiety and depression among other issues. I have a service dog vest that he wears. He had his own the day this happened. So I go downstairs and stand outside and it is 90 degrees outside. I went back and looked at the weather for the day and time of this incident. So I am standing there waiting and the lyft driver turns in off the busy street on to the street where I am standing. He pulls over by me but keeps rolling as i am walking beside his car reaching for the door handle. I didn't think anything of it at the time but after what happened now I know he did …
I am 68 and disabled. on Aug 12 my friend gave me a ride to see my daughter. I had to take LYFT to get back home. As soon as I used the lyft app the driver was really close so I had to hurry and go down to my daughters parking lot to wait. I have my small terrier companion pet that my psychiatrist wrote a prescription for. I had been in a horrible roll over car accident and had severe brain injury. I suffer from anxiety and depression among other issues. I have a service dog vest that he wears. He had his own the day this happened. So I go downstairs and stand outside and it is 90 degrees outside. I went back and looked at the weather for the day and time of this incident. So I am standing there waiting and the lyft driver turns in off the busy street on to the street where I am standing. He pulls over by me but keeps rolling as i am walking beside his car reaching for the door handle. I didn't think anything of it at the time but after what happened now I know he did it on purpose so I would not ride with him. My son n law was waiting with me and hollered to the driver to stop and the driver did. I opened the car door and got in and put my dog in my lap.The driver immediately rolled all 4 windows down and told me he is allergic to dog hair. I got upset because I was looking forward to the a/c in the car. Benny and I both were burning up hot. You can see how red my face is in the video I took. My dog was hot and he would move around in my lap and the driver would look back at us. I was sure any minute he was going to put me out. The radio was loud he had turned it up because of the wind was loud in the car it was foreign music playing to. I don't know if he was from Pakistan or if he was Indian or Hispanic I could not tell. I had a horrible trip home I will tell you. I was so hot I was getting sick at my stomach. When I finally did get out of his car I told him that what he did to me was discrimination and it was against the law to treat me like that. He said I better be glad he even let me ride in his car that he had been allergic to dog hair since he was a child. I believe he had a problem with the dog being in his car. He sure was hateful. I wonder how many other disabled people he treats that way. I felt like I was not even worth the car ride. I made a copy of the details of my Lyft ride and it had a different address for pick up and a different address for dropping me off. I think someone changed it on purpose so the trip would be hard to prove.
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Just recently I had to renew my rental with LYFT in its Express Drive Program. They renewed it buy required that vehicle get an oil change. LYFT and Hertz were BOTH located at a PepBoys. IT took nearly 5 hours for PepBoys to complete the oil change. I had no choice but to sit there and wait. LYFT processed at least 30 would-be drivers, most picking up a vehicle other dropping off, a few returning. EVERYONE there that day except for me was BLACK male or female. Everyone there was offered HIGHER BONUS with less ride requirements. When I pointed it out, the LYFT REP said LYFT has the RIGHT to pay each driver differently based on race, sex, age or veteran status. I contacted LYFT adn they acknowledged they have the right pay each DRIVER differently based on Race, age. sex adn Veteran status. IF I did not like quit.
I have 5000+ rides and no I haven't had any discrimination, whether it's racial or whatever.
I have lots of crazy stories and I have heard various racist comments in the backseats. but so far, no one has messed with me.
I live in NYC and drive a UberSUV. Honestly, every one of us drivers is from Middle East. No one suspects a thing. I mean no one bats an eye, beacuse we are so common.
wait, did you just... What should we be suspecting? LOL.
I think surprisingly most Uber drivers are 40~50 white dudes, so perhaps not?
We are made fun of a lot for our weight, social ineptitude, and the fact that we make so little.