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Uber CEO caught being a jerk to one of his own drivers

{{ ratingSum }}
756 Rider Guru
 Posted 8 years ago

Boy Travis Kalanick just isn't having a good month.



    {{ ratingSum }}
     8 years ago

    I ran Uber in New Haven CT for about 3 months. At first I was up against 15-20 other drivers on a given shift. BUT - they kept hiring week after week, after week, after week, until by the end of 3 months I was up against 100+ other drivers. Instead of averaging about 20 rides during 8-10 hours and making $100.00 gross before expenses.....near the end I was doing 5-6 rides in that same 8-10 hours......earning $20.00-$25.00!!! Less than 1/4 minimum wage! GREEDY UBER! They make their 25% cut either way. Whether 1 driver does 20 rides - or 20 drivers do 1 ride! They broke the business model for those that WERE earning something. Do NOT miss Uber ONE BIT!

    Show Hide  3 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
      422 Rider Driver
       8 years ago

      I'm just gonna play devil's advocate here and say... this is exactly why taxis have a medallion system and unions and stuff.

      I think we have to accept that uber is not a viable career choice. The first couple years it was great. not anymore

        {{ ratingSum }}
        OP 756 Rider Guru
         8 years ago

        This is a great point. About unions etc. Uber made their name on "disrupting" the industry and getting around regulations. It's interesting to see the result of it.

      {{ ratingSum }}
      135 Rider
       8 years ago

      Ya, Uber doesn't care as long as they are getting their cut. Eventually though, more and more Uber drivers will quit due to low earnings which will then raise the earnings for the drivers who are still working for Uber. In the end it will level out (supply and demand) but regardless, drivers will never make the high numbers they were making in the early Uber days.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    1026 Rider Guru
     8 years ago


    Travis is extremely fidgety with his phone the entire ride... all this bad Uber news must be getting to him.

    You can tell that driver is just mustering up the courage to say something by the end of the ride!

    2017 is not Uber's year so far... LOL

    Show Hide  2 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 756 Rider Guru
       8 years ago

      It's a pretty bizarre reaction at the end. Really seems out of proportion to the situation. I agree, he seems stressed... or drunk.

        {{ ratingSum }}
        398 Driver
         8 years ago

        definitely drunk.  slurred speech. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
    222 Rider
     8 years ago

    Uber has cut so many corners throughout their time as a company, it is all just finally catching up to them!

    {{ ratingSum }}
    330 Rider
     8 years ago

    arg.  starting to think everyone at uber is jsut pure assholes.

    Show Hide  4 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
      1149 Rider
       8 years ago

      You are just realizing that now?  They are the bad boys of Silicon Valley, remember?

        {{ ratingSum }}
        2098 Rider
         8 years ago

        Does anyone remember when Uber's NYC office requested 1000s of Lyft rides and immediately cancelled them?  then got sued by Lyft as Lyft produced a map of all the requests coming from around Uber's office?  That was hilarious.  I wonder what came of that story.

          {{ ratingSum }}
          1149 Rider
           8 years ago

          Valuable feedback is being given to Kalanick.  He should just have listened with empathy. 

          Admittedly though...the driver did take it a bit personal while repeating "because of you."

            {{ ratingSum }}
            398 Driver
             8 years ago

            It's not like Travis can switch to taking Lyft.  LOL.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    1149 Rider
     8 years ago

    Oh, gosh.  I thought Travis was caught doing something else.  Please, guys.  Poor choice of words?  "caught jerk..."

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      2098 Rider
       8 years ago

      Just you, Tony.  ...then again, I did wonder what he was caught in the back of a cab.  I was disappointed to hear it wasn't more dramatic.  or controversial.  With the current state of the news, it takes more than that to surprise me.