I AM ASKING FOR OPINIONS ON UBER/LYFT DRIVERS NOT NECESSARILY UBER EATS. I FOUND ARTICLE & thought I would share. https://www.businessinsider.com/uber-drivers-multiple-protests-users-log-off-app-2018-10
Uber Eats drivers in UK strike for 24 hrs. Should drivers in US try this? What is your opinion?
Posted 6 years, 5 months ago
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Monica Castleberry (momof4)

Ride Expert from Philadelphia PA
Mom & Nursing Student by day Ride Share Driver by night always on the go
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Uber and Lyft drivers STRIKE in Connecticut
Full Time Driver
I have switched many jobs in the past.
every time you walk in halls of a company and find a few individuals complaining to each other about how the company sucks, yet do nothing about it.
i simply (if I hate the job) look for another one and move on. Nobody holds a gun to my head making me work for Uber and Lyft.
i never did eats and do not intend to.
Strike would be good once to stop the bleeding of low wages and high commissions, I just would not make it a habit.
i think the issue is drivers who like the gig of shuttling people around would love to turn it into a full time job but can’t with current rates of pay. So everyone wants a little more. If drivers just plain hated the gig they would just leave like many do (close to 70%) within 6 months of start.
i realize without striking rideshare companies will not get attention but also would hate it to become like teachers strikes where kids are hostage every time they decide to get a raise.
Uner and Lyft do not own cars (…
I have switched many jobs in the past.
every time you walk in halls of a company and find a few individuals complaining to each other about how the company sucks, yet do nothing about it.
i simply (if I hate the job) look for another one and move on. Nobody holds a gun to my head making me work for Uber and Lyft.
i never did eats and do not intend to.
Strike would be good once to stop the bleeding of low wages and high commissions, I just would not make it a habit.
i think the issue is drivers who like the gig of shuttling people around would love to turn it into a full time job but can’t with current rates of pay. So everyone wants a little more. If drivers just plain hated the gig they would just leave like many do (close to 70%) within 6 months of start.
i realize without striking rideshare companies will not get attention but also would hate it to become like teachers strikes where kids are hostage every time they decide to get a raise.
Uner and Lyft do not own cars (besides the few driverless prototypes) so as far as striking it would cripple them completely if drivers did strike with reasonable demands and possibly even got what they wanted.
I would actually participate as I am a part time driver but I just do not see how this could be accomplished as so many drivers rely on this income and strike would not be effective with only few drivers logging off here and there. Soon after striking drivers will see the city map light up with massive surge and will be tempted to go back online
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I never did Uber Eats and never will. I agree that trying to Strike may not work once that surge lights up map. It would be very hard to pass up. It would be nice if they just fixed a few issues. Express pool, pool, short trips, oversaturation of drivers, and pay. I wont even complain about surge and ratings lol. Back when Uber 1st started you didnt hear about drivers complaining. I assume pay was much better? Everyone complains but we do nothing to fix it. We all just keep on driving. Same complaints. Although I get its difficult if its your full time job to lose a days pay. Just would be nice if all would shut off app for 24 hrs. on a nice busy day. It will never happen. Thanks for sharing!
Without too much pain to the drivers the way to do it, st work only for Uber odd days and Lyft on even days (until they start listening) then as drivers we still would make close to what we expected, but the particualr Rideshare company would make nothing on thse days:)
Great idea. Now if all would do it:)
This is what I have to say about that.