Uber is now adding the 4 digit pin which is optional. Rider will give driver a 4 digit pin code (optional) to give to driver to start their trip. Driver will enter the pin and then be able to start trip. This should be done before you get into the car. They are working on Ultrasound Technology also and a selfie (slightly different) from what they have us do now.
Uber to start "optional" 4 digit pin as a safety precaution. Also working on other Safety Technology.
Posted 5 years, 5 months ago
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Monica Castleberry (momof4)

Ride Expert from Philadelphia PA
Mom & Nursing Student by day Ride Share Driver by night always on the go
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Eh, mixed feelings on this. I mean I guess it is good but seems a bit superfluous really. There are plenty of ways to verify your driver, license plate, name, car make/model, etc. I feel the incidents of drunk girls getting in the wrong car are really just the fault of too much alcohol and not thinking. Will a pin stop drunk girls from getting in the wrong cars? No way, if they can't remember to check the license plate their is no way they are going to remember to activate some sort of pin.
Does this really stop criminals who have intent to harm others.
Does this fall into the category of something that only hinders innocent people and does nothing to stop criminals.
Nothing special here, they needed new positive PR after WaPo ran that horrible story about SIU. Definitely worth the read.
When the young woman from NJ was killed in SC I had emailed Uber about using this along with a few other drivers. We know they dont listen to us so no doubt it wasnt from our emails:) However it is a good idea. The pin code has come up on my phone on a few trips. When it worked it was a great. It also will prevent riders from getting in someone elses Uber. We all ready are asked to take a selfie every so often. The Ultrasound Tech is also a great idea. Unfortunately none of this is protecting the driver other then we wont pick up the wrong passenger or a person who didnt even order an Uber.
How does this protect the rider? A drunk person could still get in the wrong car! Simply a predator just has to park outside a bar at closing and tell a drunk girl that he is their Uber. No pin is going to solve this.
I put a video link in the comments thst explains how it will work. It was tested in FL market but somehow made it to NJ on my app 3X. I couldnt start the 1st one it happened on. Knowing Uber tracks me I took my riders. However I couldn't actually start the trip. It did work when I got to destination. I was able to start, end it, and get pd. The other 2 worked out just fine. No issues took an extra 5 to 8 secs. Will it help? Some people not all. If they are completely trashed will anything help? I doubt it. It is time riders wake up and realize if they are so drunk they cant do the simple safety checks (pic, license plate, make, model) they need to have a DUF:) with them (Designated Uber Friend). There was a movie called DUFF (Designated Ugly Fat Friend) They are also adding an Ultrasound Scan barcode and one other thing. They need to make it more safe for drivers also. Another driver was just injured by a passenger. Uber and Lyft need to step it up but its …
I put a video link in the comments thst explains how it will work. It was tested in FL market but somehow made it to NJ on my app 3X. I couldnt start the 1st one it happened on. Knowing Uber tracks me I took my riders. However I couldn't actually start the trip. It did work when I got to destination. I was able to start, end it, and get pd. The other 2 worked out just fine. No issues took an extra 5 to 8 secs. Will it help? Some people not all. If they are completely trashed will anything help? I doubt it. It is time riders wake up and realize if they are so drunk they cant do the simple safety checks (pic, license plate, make, model) they need to have a DUF:) with them (Designated Uber Friend). There was a movie called DUFF (Designated Ugly Fat Friend) They are also adding an Ultrasound Scan barcode and one other thing. They need to make it more safe for drivers also. Another driver was just injured by a passenger. Uber and Lyft need to step it up but its not their fault that criminals are out there looking to grab someone. These POS will find a way regardless of Uber or Lyft. Dont think its a total waste.
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You do know that DK thinks drivers are not core part of their business model correct 😆 everything for the passenger nothing for the driver
I don't think it's that big a deal. Don't love it but not gonna lose sleep over it
I get it safety is important but we are going backwards. Something so useful and convenient will soon not be so.
I had a girl get in my car last week after hello I tried to start the ride it wouldn't let me ask for a four digit code unfortunately the girl who was in a rush said she didn't have anything and I wasn't about to give her a free ride she cussed me out and left the car not sure if that's going to be working great I always wonder how hard is it to look at someone's license plate
Since day 5. Lol
People who are in a rush or are drunk never look at the license plate. So apparently fir them its very difficult:) When Uber was testing the code in certain areas in FL it glitched and hit my phone on 3 trips. Funny thing was the 1st time Uber phone support didnt have a clue to what I was talking about. I had to explain to them of course they were still clueless. It didnt work the 1st time but i think it was my passengers fault. Thankfully when I got to destination it let me start trip, end trip, and I got paid. The 2 X after that it worked just fine. I swiped start trip, it came up to "send code", once i swiped that you heard riders alert, rider gave me code, I entered it, off we went. No issues it took less than 5 seconds. From what article says sounds like rider will pick if they want code. If they say yes Uber will send and then will be entered once rider gets to car. I am sure there will be a few glitches but once they work them out should be easy enough. The alternativ…
People who are in a rush or are drunk never look at the license plate. So apparently fir them its very difficult:) When Uber was testing the code in certain areas in FL it glitched and hit my phone on 3 trips. Funny thing was the 1st time Uber phone support didnt have a clue to what I was talking about. I had to explain to them of course they were still clueless. It didnt work the 1st time but i think it was my passengers fault. Thankfully when I got to destination it let me start trip, end trip, and I got paid. The 2 X after that it worked just fine. I swiped start trip, it came up to "send code", once i swiped that you heard riders alert, rider gave me code, I entered it, off we went. No issues it took less than 5 seconds. From what article says sounds like rider will pick if they want code. If they say yes Uber will send and then will be entered once rider gets to car. I am sure there will be a few glitches but once they work them out should be easy enough. The alternative is much worse at least in the state of NJ they want our pic, name, make, model, tag, displayed along with U & L signs and bar code displayed in front and back windshield. So ill take the code over that disaster.
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The code system has nothing to do with safety. It's about drivers starting the ride early, seeing the destination and cancelling the crappy rides. Come on Uber, you zig I zag.