Did you drivers get this note in the app? I can't wait to try it out this week...though I am not sure what I should be doing different.
If you click on "Learn More", you see this.
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Did you drivers get this note in the app? I can't wait to try it out this week...though I am not sure what I should be doing different.
If you click on "Learn More", you see this.
This is a response to how drivers "stopped chasing surges."
So we are now to go back to chasing surges again. :) Right? I mean, they are telling us 1) they last longer and 2) if you enter one, you can exit and still get the surge.
"Surge sticks with you."
What do riders see then? ...if the surge is attached to the driver? Pax don't know whether there'd be a surge until you are matched up with a driver, right? So, someone tell me how that works.
What happens really? The problem is...I am not sure what passengers see different.
What happens when you click on "Learn More"?
It's super long. I will upload it and link it from the original post.
actually. here.
We will need a creative routing to get to our jobs now. Always gotta clip those surge areas...
I can see this squashing the passenger scam where they try to walk out of surge zones.