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Using Scammers at the Airport

{{ ratingSum }}
36 Rider Driver
 Posted 6 years, 4 months ago

We have cheaters at the airport who use a scammer. It freezes your phone so you will not advance in the que. You also will not be able to txt..email..or call. They also have multiple phones and switch between drivers and cars. You can sit at the airport for 6 hours and never get a ride. 

Uber will not do anything about this..all the non cheating Ubers have called and written Uber 100 times to no avail. The sheriff will not do anything either.

It us very sad that these cheaters are getting away with this and nothing can be done. They also accept the ride then call passenger..if they are not going far enough they cancel the ride.

Anyone else out there having these problems?

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    {{ ratingSum }}
    OP 36 Rider Driver
     6 years ago

    I am sorry there are people who have to cheat. As you all know this ride sharing is hard enough as it is. 

    If I have even helped one driver realize what is happening then hopefully you will report it as we have done. Not that anything has been done. I can always hope.

    {{ ratingSum }}
    810 Driver
     6 years ago

    Scammers or Jammers? Or is it Scammers that use the Jammers?

    That actually smells like a federal offense as if one is deliberately jamming a signal which would prevent one from calling 911 in an emergency and results in death....

    Show Hide  5 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 36 Rider Driver
       6 years ago

      Yes it is a federal offence and there are hot lines to report. After going to the Sheriff Dept. I really don't think anything will be done.

        {{ ratingSum }}
        810 Driver
         6 years ago

        Are you actually able to identify the particular drivers that you think are using the jammers or you just suspect they are being used?

    {{ ratingSum }}
    447 Rider Driver Driver
     6 years ago

    If there is no solution in sight I guess don't wait at the airport

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 36 Rider Driver
       6 years ago

      We have gone back out on the road and to other airports. Unfortunately it is now at a couple more airports. Spreading like a virus. 

    {{ ratingSum }}
    224 Driver
     6 years ago

    Maybe you use Uber and those other drivers you are are using Lyft. Or Juno. Which market are you in?

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      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 36 Rider Driver
       6 years ago

      I do Uber and Lyft. I am in Florida

    {{ ratingSum }}
    76 Rider
     6 years ago

    Can you elaborate on what they do and why?

    Are you saying they are drivers in queue, and somehow mess with other drivers’ phones, so they can move quicker up the airport queue?

    Show Hide  6 Replies
      {{ ratingSum }}
      OP 36 Rider Driver
       6 years ago

      Yes that is exactly what I am saying. I have had it happen several times and know other drivers as well. They froze me at #2 ..then all the Cheaters like 10 of them went out before myself and another driver. 

      So if you are in que..and all of A sudden your phone is acting up and other drivers are going out before you. Then you got it with a scammer.

        {{ ratingSum }}
        668 Driver
         6 years ago

        Oh, I know this one. I think. Are you referring to how a driver, when at the top of the airport queue, can keep re-entering the queue if the ride is cancelled or super short? 

         Not sure if that’s what you are referring to. I don’t think it happens when the cancel is initiated by the driver though. But maybe. 

          {{ ratingSum }}
          OP 36 Rider Driver
           6 years ago

          The scammer is a different issue than this.

          What I am referring to is having at least 4 phones per driver.

          When they get pinged for a ride if it does not say 45+ they call the rider and ask how far they are going. If it is not far enough to make at least $25.00 they cancel the ride. They are allowed to do this three times on Uber. 4th time they have to accept or they go to the back of the line. Lyft does not put up with this. You don't accept a ride or you cancel a ride you go to the back of the que.

            {{ ratingSum }}
            29 Rider
             6 years ago

            Super messed up. What the heck. How do they even have four phones. All running on the same driver account? (or four seaprate ones?)

            I am trying to think through this. So if the driver in top position cancels the ride, the rider needs to request again, right? Wouldn't that theoretically go straight back to the same driver? (Well, I guess not, because in the time it takes the rider to request again, another rider may send a request.)

            I guess what I am trying to get to is that when riders are "ignored" by the drivers, those would eventually trickle down to those lower in queue, right? 

              {{ ratingSum }}
              810 Driver
               6 years ago

              If driver accepts then calls the passenger and then cancels if not happy with ride, passenger will have to re request. At this point I am guessing it will go to the next driver in que or sometimes out of que.

              i do not see the reason for drivers to actually accept only then to call the passenger to probe them on trip length.

              if a ride is 45+ plus it will be part of the request banner.

              there are of course acceptions.

              for instance in Newark airport in NJ across from NY drivers on staging lot are primarily those registered in NJ, NY with some PA mixed in. Non NY registered drivers do not like to take passengers into NY as we can’t pickup in NY this forced to backtrack empty until we cross back into NJ, so I can see drivers accepting 45+ min ride then calling to see if destination is in NY and if yes cancel.

              however I read on either Uber or Lyft site that at that particular airport NY bound trips are sent to NY regustered drivers thus a NY driver in position 5 in que if drivers …


              If driver accepts then calls the passenger and then cancels if not happy with ride, passenger will have to re request. At this point I am guessing it will go to the next driver in que or sometimes out of que.

              i do not see the reason for drivers to actually accept only then to call the passenger to probe them on trip length.

              if a ride is 45+ plus it will be part of the request banner.

              there are of course acceptions.

              for instance in Newark airport in NJ across from NY drivers on staging lot are primarily those registered in NJ, NY with some PA mixed in. Non NY registered drivers do not like to take passengers into NY as we can’t pickup in NY this forced to backtrack empty until we cross back into NJ, so I can see drivers accepting 45+ min ride then calling to see if destination is in NY and if yes cancel.

              however I read on either Uber or Lyft site that at that particular airport NY bound trips are sent to NY regustered drivers thus a NY driver in position 5 in que if drivers 1-4 are NJ drivers will be sent a NY bound trip and same for NJ registered drivers on NJ bound trips.

              Not sure I understand multiple phone thing though how can it benefit driver, how they can have same driver account running on multiple devices? If different account then that in itself is illegal.

              P.S. Drivers calling passengers to probe destinations is actually unethic, but I get it drivers are trying to make a buck and not be stuck in NY (non NY drivers)

              i actually recommend passengers immediately after requesting a long trip to contact the driver themselves and find out if driver is ok taking them to wherever they are going.

              reason being if you request a long ride (let’s say not from airport) wait for driver to show up for 10 minutes, get in car. Driver starts trip, learns you are going 3 hours away and tells you “Sorry I can’t go that far” so now you waisted 10-15 minutes and got nowhere.

              would not you rather learn immediately if the driver that accepted your request will actually take you to your destination and if not request another one immediately.

              make sure driver that is not willing to take you isnthe one that cancels the ride in a way passenger does not get hit with cancellation fee.

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          {{ ratingSum }}
           6 years ago

          But she says the phone email and text die too